Ledare utan ryggrad

Det skymmer i Amerika. Foto: Håkan Eklund.

Istället för att kasta bort tid på intetsägande teveprogram brukar jag sitta en timme varje kväll och läsa The New York Times, kvalitetsjournalistik som trumpen föraktfullt klassificerar som fejknews, eftersom de inte vill spela med i hans show.

I artikeln "Siding with the enemy" av Charles M. Blow (12.11.2017) diskuteras det faktum att USA:s president tror mera på en f.d. KGB-spion, än sin egen underrättelsetjänst! Vem kan respektera en sådan? I vissa länder skulle sådant stämplas för landsförräderi.

Här några stycken ur artikeln:

- - - Let’s say this again, as a clear declaration: Russia attacked our elections. They stole emails that were published and broadcast ad nauseam. They created and distributed propaganda on social media designed to exacerbate our divisions, content that was seen by nearly half the country. - - -

 - - - Again, like Neo dodging bullets in “The Matrix,” Trump bends over backward to dodge making this simple, factual statement: Russia attacked our elections when he was elected, and they must pay for their crime so that this never happens again.

Trump won’t acknowledge the crime because Trump was the beneficiary of the crime. Trump won’t insult Russia because it may well be that he was installed by Russia. Trump is as much a Russian project as an American president.

This means that he is compromised, in capacity and function, and that means that Trump’s fear of dishonor places the rest of us in danger of future attacks and exploitation. Trump is Putin’s dupe. - - -

Inlagt 2017-11-13 23:14 | Läst 611 ggr. | Permalink