Kan dra dit pepparn växer

Vid bystranden i Satava, Åbo. 27.10.2017. Foto: Håkan Eklund. Nr 300/365.

Det är både skrämmande och intressant att läsa om hur smarta ryssar har lurat miljoner (lättlurade) amerikanare i samband med senaste presidentval; inget under att trumpen gillar Putinland och dess oligarker - lika skurkar leka bäst.

Här ett kort utdrag ur en artikel i The New York Times av David Streitfeld (26.10) under rubriken: Russia Fanned Flames With Twitter, Which Faces a Blowback

- - - In this era of political rage, a Twitter account that called itself the unofficial voice of Tennessee Republicans provided buckets of gasoline.

Its pre-election tweets were a bottomless well of inflammatory misinformation: “Obama wants our children to be converted to Islam! Hillary will continue his mission.” A mysterious explosion in Washington, it said, had killed one of Mrs. Clinton’s aides, raising her “body count” to six. Another proclaimed, “Obama is the founder of ISIS.”

The account, @TEN_GOP, eventually reached more than 130,000 followers — 10 times that of the official state Republican Party’s Twitter handle. It was one of the most popular political voices in Tennessee. But its lies, distortions and endorsements came from the other side of the world.

@TEN_GOP was a Russian troll account devoted to stoking division in America, according to a report earlier this month by RBC, a Russian media company with a history of independence. Twitter declined to even discuss the account, which had posted 10,000 tweets by the time it was finally shut down in August. That was more than a year after Republican officials in Tennessee had first complained about its misrepresentations to Twitter. - - -


Ännu en orsak till att jag av princip inte tänker ansluta mig till varken Facebook eller Twitter; väntar på något som inte är lika enkelt att används som verktyg i stormaktspolitik. Fakebook och Twitter kan dra dit pepparn växer ...

Inlagt 2017-10-27 18:27 | Läst 1191 ggr. | Permalink
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