En fotograf som gått ett steg vidare
Nick Brandts utställning på Fotografiska. Stockholm i december 2011. Foto: Håkan Eklund.
Värdefullt när en fotograf har tid, energi och resurser att gå ett steg vidare från att bara fotografera. Det har Nick Brandt visat på. Kolla in webbplatsen http://www.biglifeafrica.org/ där han berättar om de projekt som hans möte med savannens djur sporrade honom till.
Här ett urklipp från hans sida, där projektet presenteras:
"Founded in September 2010 by photographer Nick Brandt in urgent response to the recent dramatic escalation in poaching across much of Africa, Big Life Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Africa’s wildlife and ecosystems.
With one of the most spectacular elephant populations in Africa being rapidly diminished by poachers and increasing human/wildlife conflict, the Amboseli ecosystem that straddles Kenya and Tanzania is the Foundation's large-scale pilot project.
With highly-regarded conservationist Richard Bonham at the helm, multiple fully-equipped teams of rangers have been placed in newly-built outposts in the critical areas throughout the 2 million acre region on both sides of the Kenya / Tanzania border. As of August 2011, Big Life has hired 120+ rangers, built or expanded 14 outposts, and purchased 13 vehicles, with latest technology night-vision equipment, tracker dogs, aerial monitoring and a critically important large network of informers.
Within just one year of inception, this new level of co-ordinated protection has already elicited a dramatic reduction in poaching in the ecosystem. Big Life’s teams are now apprehending poachers almost every time they kill, with a number of significant arrests of some of the worst, most prolific long-term poachers in the region have at long last been engineered by Big Life's teams. As a result of these successes, Big Life has been able to quickly send out a strong message that killing wildlife now carries a far greater risk of being arrested."
Och så vidare ...
h. Hawk