Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.
You will know them by their fruit
Each tree is known by its own fruit. A good man's life is full of good fruit. Good fruit that are always ready to be shared with people in need. A good man will be remembered because of all the good fruits in his life. I don´t say that I am that good man, but of course I would be if I could. I´m striving to be a good man and a true blessing for the least of my brothers and sisters. And I really hope that I will be able to change the life situation for many more people before it´s time for me to take my last breath
Text och Photo © Mikael Good. All Rights Reserved.
Inlagt 2012-11-20 09:21 |
Läst 9082 ggr. |