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Le Viseur - The Viewfinder

Le Viseur is a new net based Swedish magazine for contemporary documentary photos. The first number of the magazine will be published in mars.

Le Viseur is the french word for viewfinder. We want to create a magazine for contemporary documentary photos. Free from commercial adverts and boring articles about cameras and lenses. We want to put documentary photo were it belongs, right in the center of attention. We believe that many people are interested in straight simple documentary photography, free of special effects and manipulations. We want to give these people a forum and a magazine were they can upload documentary photos, read articles, look at photo-essays and documentary photos. 

Le Viseur is a magazine who celebrates the art form of documentary photo. Le Viseur shall also be a place were you can discover new documentary photographers from Sweden and other countries.

This is a mock up of the cover of Le Viseur. The look of the magazine can be changed before the first number is released in mars

The Le Viseur website is still under construction but you are more than welcome to pay a visit to our site on Facebook and post documentary photos on our wall:

The editorial team at Le Viseur Magazine. All rights reserved.

Inlagt 2012-01-06 14:17 | Läst 8325 ggr. | Permalink

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