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Greetings from Latvia - Sveicieni no Latvijas!

What would you do if your neighbours could not afford to pay their rent, their food and their clothes. Would you just ignore them and pretend as if they were not there? Or would you help them so they came back on their feets again? Latvia is a neighbour to Sweden and they are short of everything. And yet few Swedes cares about their Latvian neighbours situation...

Latvia is the country in the European Union that has suffered hardest by the economic crisis that hit the world in 2008. The previously so Optimistic Latvian Tiger Economy which was pumped up by the major Swedish banks aggressive lending lost its bite and the country has gone into a deep economic recession. Workplace after workplace has gone bankrupt. According to official statistics nearly 20 percent of the population is now unemployed but unofficial sources are talking about an unemployment rate of almost 40 percent and in some rural areas in the east of Latvia the unemployment is almost 100 percent according to social workers.

The Latvian family in the photo-essay on Flickr consist of a mother, her three children and their grand mother. The father of the family drowned in a fishing accident a couple of years ago. The family live in a dilapidated barn-like house in a little village on the Latvian countryside east of the capital Riga. They have no running water. The only heat comes from the wood stove which is located in the living room in the small apartment. The economic situation for the family is tough and they live on the margin. Even if the family like most other Latvians didn´t borrow any money in the banks, they had to pay the full price for others mistakes when the government had to cut every cost that they could to save the economy of the nation in order to prevent a national bankruptcy. Today is the situation on the Lativan countryside directly comparable with the situation in the U.S during the great depression of the 30s. Some sources even say that the situation in Latvia is worse.

The Latvian economy is slowly getting better and better. But the price for the better economy is high. Many highly educated Latvians has moved abroad for better paid jobs. And this brain-drain can prove to be devastating for the country in a nearby future. The population in Latvia is declining rapidly and this is a serious social and economical problem for Latvia. In the 2000s the country has lost one seventh of its population through emigration and a negative birthrate.

According to official sources nearly 2 million people live in Latvia today. But some unofficial sources says that only 1,7 million people live in the country. In 1989 just two years before Latvia gained it´s independence from the Soviet Union, the population in the country was 2,7 million people. There are no jobs, no hope and no future on the Latvian countryside today and those who can move to a slightly better future in the bigger cities or abroad. Those who remains, are the elderly, the disabled and those who for various reasons do not have a chance to move away.

If you want to support Latvian families in need you can make a donation via Star of Hope, USA:

If you want to take a look at the pictures on your phone or on your tablet click here:

Text and photo: © Mikael Good. All Rights Reserved.

Inlagt 2013-02-26 11:14 | Läst 11225 ggr. | Permalink

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