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Former foster kids struggle with homelessness

According to a new article from the US NGO Children´s Rights as many as 31 precent of former foster youth end up as homeless our couch surfers when they are dropped from the foster-care at the age of 18.

I´m currently working on a article about the situation for former foster kids in Russia. It seems that the situation for the kids are roughly the same in Russia as in USA. But the big difference between the two countries is that the Russian authorities is trying to do something about the situation for former foster kids. Of course it still much to be done for former foster kids in Russia but where there's a will, there's often a way.

Children´s Rights has been fighting for the rights for neglected and abused children in the USA since 1995. You can read the whole article from Children´s Rights here:

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Text and Photo: © Mikael Good, All Rights Reserved.

Inlagt 2013-04-03 11:23 | Läst 5491 ggr. | Permalink

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