Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.
Check out the March Issue of LIFE Force Magazine
Two of my Photo-essays from Latvia and China are included in the March Issue of LIFE force Magazine:
Life Force magazine is a free on-line, monthly reportage
magazine which celebrates the art-form of the photo-essay.
It has been described as the “Picture Post of the 21st Century” - a photo-led magazine that explores the world and the human condition through the narrative use of photography.
Latvian Family from Cesis © Mikael Good, 2009
Today's song: Fight the Good Fight - Triumph
Inlagt 2011-02-28 10:47 |
Läst 10465 ggr. |
Bra jobbat.
Kram Lena
Bra att det uppmärksammas!