This is my home town - Husqvarna
All around the World people are familiar with the Swedish brand Husqvarna. But it's not only a brand like IKEA and Volvo. Huskvarna is also a Swedish town that was founded for a little more than 100 years ago and are built around the Husqvarna Factory.
People often travel through the town by car, bus or train. But most people don't stop to visit the city, they are heading somewhere else. Therefore, I have decided to post pictures from Huskvarna in this album so that all of you all over Sweden and the World who are curious about Huskvarna and it's surroundings shall be able to visit the city through my pictures.
A couple of years ago I made a promise to the legendary Huskvarna photographer Conny Rich to try to take over his mantle and document the town with all it's pros and cons as he did for decades. Even if I know that I never can live up to Connys high standard and reputation I will try to do the best I can to continue to document the city and it's citizens till it's time fore someone else to take over the mantle.
Click the following link to view the other 164 photos from Husqvarna:
Text and photo: Mikael Good
Staden har nog ändrat sig ganska rejält sedan dess men rivningshystering gick inte så långt som i grannstaden Jönköping så det finns nog en och annan av de gamla byggnaderna kvar.
/Mikael Good
Passar på att tacka för att jag /vi får se de utomordentligt fina bilder du visar här på din blogg och fotosidan.
Med vänlig hälsning Gunnar S
/Mikael Good
där jag aldrig varit men kommit förbi på
väg till Jönköping ...
Skön skogsbild.
Huskvarna är en stad som många känner till men få har varit i passa på att svänga av nästa gång du åker förbi!
/Mikael Good
Har ingen bil så det blir tåg...