"Måla med ljus"

Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.

The Nuremberg Defense – I Was Just Following Orders

During the World War II many German soldiers, officers and health care personel made horrible crimes against the humanity. When prosecuted after the war many of them claimed that they was just following orders and tried to move the blame for their crimes to the leaders who issued the orders.

The Nuremberg trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II. In which the political, military, judicial, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany was convicted for their crimes against humanity during the war. Lawful superior orders often known as The Nuremberg defense is a plea in a court of law that a person, whether a member of the army or a civilian, not to be held guilty for actions which were ordered by a superior officer or a public official. The Nuremberg defense was not accepted by the judges at the Nuremberg trials who judged that every individual are responsible for their own actions against other human beings despite the laws of the nation or which orders that are given. The trials marked a turning point between classical and contemporary international law. And in their judgement the judges in Nuremberg affirmed the principle of the freedom of conscience. 

Women and children are forcibly taken out of a shelter in the Warsaw ghetto by Waffen-SS soldiers. The SS man on the right with a submachine gun is Josef Blösche who personally killed hundreds of Jews and sent many more to their death in concentration camps during the war. For his crimes against humanity Blösche was convicted and sentenced to death. He was executed in Leipzig in DDR on 29 July 1969. Photo: Propaganda Kompanie nr 689/CC

Captured Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto are taken away by Waffen-SS men. At the forefront are Yehudit Neyer, her mother-in-law, her daughter and her father Avraham Neyer. When accused the surviving soldiers and officers stated that they should not be held responsible for their actions against humanity because they was just following direct orders from their superior officers. Photo: Unkown/CC

Jewish people are forced on a train in the Warsaw ghetto by german soldiers and Jewish ghetto police. The destination of the train was Treblinka holocaust camp. When accused many of the surviving soldiers and officers stated that they should not be held responsible for their actions against humanity because they was just following direct orders from their superior officers. Photo: Unkown/CC

According to the European Convention of Human Rights shall every citizen in the Europe have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Every soldier, policeman and health care personal in Europe has the right to disobey direct orders that are considered to them to be crimes against the humanity. The freedom of conscience is the freedom of an individual to hold or consider a fact, viewpoint, or thought, independent of the viewpoint of the majority. One thing that differs democracies from dictatorships is that democracies allows its citizens to have freedom of conscience in such circumstances as mentioned above. 

The Warsaw Ghetto was created by the Nazis in October 1940 for the detention of Jews in Warsaw and its surroundings. At most, about half a million Jews lived within the walls of the ghetto. During the three years that the ghetto existed, tens of thousands of people died of starvation and disease and about 350,000 were deported to concentration camps where they were executed by the Nazis and their collaborators.

In 1943, the Jewish resistance movement in the Ghetto had enough and started to attack the Germans. They fought bravely against the superior Germans and the uprising lasted for a month. In order to smoke out the resistance the German soldiers set fire to a large number of buildings and finally the synagogue. The ghetto was turned into ashes and ruin. The surviving Jews were either killed on the spot or sent to concentration camps. Only a handful of them managed to escape the Ghetto. The Warsaw ghetto was disbanded in may 1943. The photos in this article has been taken in the Warsaw Ghetto or at the location where it once stood.

Text: Mikael Good. Photo: Mikael Good (where nothing else is stated).

Postat 2021-02-18 12:01 | Läst 7027 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Leroy Emmanuel - The Original Funk Brother

Listen to the words of the legendary guitarist Leroy Emmanuel in this Fireside Chat interview that I link to in the end of this article. Leroy was once a steady member in Motowns legendary studio band The Funk Brothers who was the rhythm sector behind countless Motown hits.

I took the images that illustrate this article at Newworldsons concert at Gullbranna Festival. At the concert at Gullbranna the original members in Newworldson Joel Parisien and Mark Rogers was backed up by the Chops Horns (Darryl Dixon and Dave Watson), the bassist "Big Bad" John Irvine and the original Funk Brother Leroy Emmanuel. If you are given the opportunity to see this funky constellation live do it!

Listen to Leroy Emmanuels interesting story here: http://www.rbmaradio.com/shows/leroy-emmanuel-fireside-chat 

Here´s a direct link to the Flickr set The Original Funk Brother: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chasid68/sets/72157634666413068/

Text and Photo: © Mikael Good, All Rights Reserved.

Postat 2013-07-16 15:06 | Läst 17568 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Den största stjärnan stod i bakgrunden

Gitarrlegenden Leroy Emmanuel uppträdde med bandet Newworldson på Gullbrannafestivalen utanför Halmstad den 5 Juli.
 Leroy har tidigare spelat med bland annat Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Edwin Star, John Lee Hooker, T-Bone Walker, Al Green, Sonny Boy Williamson, Funk Brothers, Bohanon, Dionne Warwick, James Brown Band, The Counts. Funkadelics, Sly and the Family Stone, Commodores, Kool and the Gang, Sister Sledge, Diana Ross, Natalie Cole, Grover Washington, Rufus, Jackson Five, Peaches and Herb, The Dells, Chick Corea, Rufus Thomas, Ben Vareen, Ike and Tina Turner, Ruby and the Romantics, Roberta Flack, Temptations, Booker T and the MGs, Hot Chocolate, Albert King, Martha and the Vandellas, War med flera. 

Jag kände igen Leroy och passade på att skaka tass med honom och bytte några ord med honom bakom scen. Trots att han är en legend inom blues-, soul- och funkkretsar var han mycket lättpratad och ödmjuk. Det hade varit riktig kul att göra en djupare intervju med Leroy om hans musikminnen, men tiden räckte inte till denna gången. För mig var det årets musikaliska höjdpunkt att få se legenden Leroy Emmanuel in action.

Klicka på den följande länken om ni vill se fler bilder från Newworldsons konsert på Gullbrannafestivalen: flic.kr/s/aHsjGG3wWn

Text och foto: © Mikael Good, All Rights Reserved.

Postat 2013-07-12 11:32 | Läst 15638 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

The war against terror is also a war against drugs

Det finns de som undrar var mitt tidigare aviserade reportage om det växande heroinmissbruket i det forna Sovjetunionen med stark koppling till Afghanistan har tagit vägen? I vart fall var tanken att reportaget skulle gått under samma namn som rubriken till det här inlägget.

I vanliga fall är jag ganska så snabb med att få ut mitt material men i det här fallet fanns det två bra anledningar till varför jag valde att hålla på materialet. För det första så skulle jag behövt komplettera materialet genom att göra en eller två resor till Ryssland och Uzbekistan. För det andra har jag fått ta del av en del nytt material som helt omkullkastade min tidigare research vilket gjorde att tyngdpunkten i min story kraftigt försköts.

Det är viktigt för mig att det jag skriver stämmer med verkligheten. Jag är evinnerligt trött på tidningar och organisationer som bygger sina storys på uppgifter som verkar tagna helt ur luften eller där research och källkoll är allt annat än bra. Jag vet inte hur det är för dig men för min del sjunker mitt förtroende för dem när en text är full av felaktigheter. För att jag själv inte ska lockas i samma fälla har jag därför valt att lägga min story om heroinmissbruk på hyllan. Jag kommer istället att plocka fram bilder och skriva ihop en ny text med en helt annan vinkling utifrån mitt befintliga material.

Denna gången kommer jag att skriva på engelska och förhoppningsvis kommer reportaget att leta sig in i någon webbaserad engelskspråkig reportagetidning. Jag har i vart fall fått en del förfrågningar om att bidra med material. Trots att jag inte kommer att få någon betalning kan det vara ett bra sätt att nå ut till en betydligt större publik. Marknadsföringsvärdet är i vart fall mycket högt då tidningarna läses av en hel del branschfolk och kulturpersonligheter.

Text och foto: © Mikael Good. All Rights Reserved.

Postat 2012-12-14 09:07 | Läst 6784 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera