"Måla med ljus"

Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.

Rīgas Centrāltirgus

De senaste tio åren har jag varit i Lettland på många uppdrag som reporter och fotograf. En plats som jag gärna återkommer till när jag har lite tid över är Rīgas Centrāltirgus (The Riga Central Market).

Text och foto: Mikael Good

Postat 2017-09-28 21:29 | Läst 14902 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Huskvarna, lite snyggare - lite bättre!

View of Huskvarna

Människor runt om i världen är bekanta med varumärket Husqvarna och du har säkert rest igenom staden med buss, bil och tåg utan att ta dig tid att stanna till. Därför har jag beslutat att lägga upp en del av mina bilder från Huskvarna i ett Flickralbum så att du och alla dem som är nyfikna på Huskvarna och dess omgivning ska kunna besöka staden genom mina bilder.

Huskvarna, Brånerydsvägen

Förvänta er inga lätt eller kraftigt HDR-förljugna foton för glättiga turistbroschyrer  Jag har valt att göra en personlig dokumentation av staden och dess invånare i svartvitt som visar den bild som jag har fått efter att ha bott i Huskvarna i över tio år. Jag har valt att lyfta fram både det vackra och det fula för att betraktaren själv ska kunna väva ihop sina tankar runt bilderna till en helhet.

Huskvarna, Båggatan

Vem vet, kanske kan mina bilder vara med och göra lite extra reklam för bygden? Någon som är på genomresa kanske stannar till i Huskvarna av ren och skär nyfikenhet efter att han har sett mina bilder. Stannar ni till i Huskvarna ska ni givetvis passa på att äta den lokala specialiteten kebab på någon av Huskvarnas många pizzerior. Huskvarna har den godaste kebabsåsen och den godaste kebaben på den här sidan av Bosporen.

Backgatan, Husqvarna

Devisen Huskvarna, lite snyggare - lite bättre skapades som en motvikt till grannstaden Jönköpings storstadsambitioner. Huskvarna är en egen stad men räknas ändå in i Jönköpings kommun och får ofta spela andrafiolen vad gäller kommunala satsningar och prioriteringar. Det är lite tråkigt med tanke på den potential som Huskvarna skulle kunnat haft om staden och dess närmsta omgivningar var en egen kommun. Vem vet det kanske är dags för Huskvarna att bryta sig loss och åter bli en egen kommun? Det skulle i vart fall sätta stopp för Jönköpings storstadsambitioner!

Om du inte kan se bildspelet på din telefon eller platta kan du alltid klicka på den följande länken: https://www.flickr.com/photos/chasid68/sets/72157640003096945/

Text och foto: Mikael Good

Postat 2014-07-28 12:07 | Läst 10851 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Satan's throne has been moved to Berlin

All that is left of the ancient city Pergamum are worn and looted ruins. The main sites of Pergamum are to the north and west of the modern city of Bergama in Turkey. Even if the town was known for it's beauty it was also one of the darkest and greediest cities in the Roman Empire. Because it was a political and economical center in the province Asia Minor the city had a unique status that differed it from other cities in the Roman Empire. Pergamum was one of the most influential cities in the Empire and a also the center for worship of the Roman Emperor who was believed to be part God and part human in ancient times. 

There was also a temple for worship of the Wargodess Athena. But the most important altar for worship in the City was the Great Altar of Zeus which is also mentioned as the Throne of Satan in the Book of Revelation in the Bible:  “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell... where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells - Revelation 2:12

In 1878 the German engineer Carl Humann started to dismantle the Altar of Zeus from the since long abandoned city of Pergamum and took it to Berlin. The altar was stored until the building of a new museum in Berlin started in 1910. Due to war and economic depression in Germany the museum was not opened for visitors until 1930. The Great Altar of Zeus or the Throne of Satan that some people call it went on display in Berlin's Pergamon Museum in 1930 together with a reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate of ancient Babylon. The Ishtar Gate are also known as the gates of hell. 

It might just be a awful coincidence but just three years after the grand opening of the museum Germany experienced a revival from hell when Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and soon it's dictator and Führer. Adolf Hitler decided to commission the young architect Albert Speer to design the new parade grounds for his big party rallies in Nuremberg. Albert Speer took the inspiration from the Great Altar of Zeus in Berlin when he designed the colossal altar for his Führer. The altar became known as the Zeppelintribüne and it was here that Adolf Hitler received the adoration of the masses at the political rallies in Nuremberg like so many Roman Emperors had done before him. I am convinced that Adolf Hitler was deceived to think that he was both man and god when he stood on top of his altar in Nuremberg and received deafening salutations from hundreds of thousand devoted followers that would soon follow him into death. 

The good old Canon EOS 20D are still a really good and capable camera as you can see in my pictures from Pergamum: https://www.flickr.com/photos/chasid68/sets/72157645293175751/

Text and Photo: Mikael Good

Postat 2014-06-23 09:08 | Läst 32753 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Almost cut my hair

Almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day. It was gettin' kinda long, I could'er said it was in my way. But I didn't and I wonder why, I feel like letting my freak flag fly, Yes I feel like I owe it to someone: 

I'm a documentary photographer who like to work among people on the streets. Therefore I don't really care about the sometimes infected debate about what street photography is and what it's not. But if I was a street photographer I would say that the photos in the following link is what street photography is all about! Check out the awesome street photographs by Gabi Ben Avraham http://www.gabibest.com/street-portfolio---gabi-ben-avraham.html

Mikael Good 

Postat 2014-05-09 13:03 | Läst 10948 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

A Vampire On The Streets Of Husqvarna

My son and I took a long walk in Husqvarna earlier this day. He brought his vampire fangs that his sister gave him in Christmas gift and he tried to scare the people that we met.

If your phone can't read flash use the following link to come to the slide-show: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chasid68/sets/72157639345673856/show/with/11729694434/

Text and Photo © Mikael Good, All Rights Reserved 

Postat 2014-01-03 15:28 | Läst 13476 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera
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