"Måla med ljus"

Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.

Grace is a thought that can change the world

Grace can be a name of a girl. Grace finds beauty in every face. Grace finds goodness in everyone. Grace is a thought that can change the world. Grace is also the name of a Russian Orthodox Family Center for orphans in St. Petersburg.

Over 2000 of the verses in the Bible encourages us to support orphans, poor people, widows and those who are oppressed. Grace Family Center in St. Petersburg work hard to help young adult orphans to adopt to a normal family life after they graduated from their orphanages. The work is very successful but the Family Center are in a desperate need of money so that they can continue with their important job among orphans and young single mothers.

When I visited Grace Family Center in march 2011, it was like coming home to my own family. Taking photos at Grace was like taking photos of my own family and not of strangers. For orphans who have never had a family of they own, places like Grace Family Center must be worth one's weight in gold. Even if it´s one of my hallmarks to make people feel comfortable in front of my camera, it usually take a while for me to get the pictures that I want. But at Grace that comfortable feeling was right there as soon as i crossed the doorstep.

The work at the Family Center is very successful and according to Valentina who is the volunteer director at Grace Family Center the majority of the orphans and the young mothers who have received help and support has been able to adapt to a normal life. The statistics for other orphans who didn´t get the same opportunities are very dark. Only 10% of them can adapt to a normal life and many of them end up as criminals, prostitutes or homeless.

Although the work at the Family Center is very sucessful, they are in a desperate need of money so that they can continue with their important job among all the orphans and young mothers that are in their care. For the volunteers at the Family Center. Grace is not just a thought that can change the world . Grace is something that they live,  breathe and share.

You can read more about the important work at Grace Family Center here: www.chasid68.blogspot.se/2013/03/saving-grace.html

You can also donate money to Grace Family Center via the NGO Star of Hope, USA:  www.starofhope.us/give/donate-now/670-donate-now-2.html

Text and Photo: © Mikael Good 2011, 2013, All Rights Reserved

Postat 2013-04-02 09:11 | Läst 10980 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Reportage om människor i Kina, Lettland och Ryssland

När jag var grabb såg jag fram emot att läsa söndagstidningen. I del två fanns det alltid med ett spännande reportage från något av världens hörn. Jag läste det med största intresse och i mina drömmar drogs jag sedan med på resor runt om i världen med min penna och kamera i högsta hugg.

I vuxen ålder har jag getts möjlighet att leva ut min reporterdröm och kanske har någon ung grabb eller tjej fängslats av berättelserna och bilderna som jag själv har delat med mig av. Titt som tätt får jag frågan om det går att läsa mina gamla reportage någonstans. För ett par år sedan sammanställde jag en länklista. Den länklistan har nu blivit uppdaterad med en hel del nya länkar och du hittar den i slutet av det här inlägget.

Mina reportage har publicerats i nyhetsbrev, magasin och tidningar. En del av dem har även översatts till norska, finska och engelska. Ett av mina letlandsreportage är fortfarande ett av de reportagen som har gett mest läsarrespons i den tidningen där det publicerades. Anledningen till att jag har valt att publicera en del reportage i min blogg är för att de ska få lite större spridning och nå utanför målgruppen för tidningarna som jag fått materialet publicerat i. Även om länklistan är ganska så lång har jag fortfarande en del reportage på lager som jag kommer att portionera ut vid lämpligt tillfälle.

För tillfället är jag mellan jobben. Skulle du ha ett uppdrag att erbjuda så tveka inte att kontakta mig. Jag har erfarenhet av att arbeta som reporter, fotojournalist, redigerare, grafisk formgivare, originalare och informatör. Jag har även en del erfarenhet av marknadsföring i sociala media och viss erfarenhet av att arbeta som webbredaktör. Framförallt är jag bra på biståndsarbete och jag har ett hjärta som klappar för de minsta och svagaste grupperna på vår jord.

Text och Foto: © Mikael Good, All rights reserved.
Postat 2013-03-09 23:44 | Läst 12804 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

The Christmas story - There was a girl named Lisa

When young people leave institutions in Russia (at age 18) they encounter multiple problems. Many are met with various types of prejudice because they come from an institution, they have no adults who care about them and they often lack the everyday knowledge that others may learn in their family, such as washing clothes, cooking, managing household cash, finding suitable accommodations in which to live and more.

Most of them have no parents or other relatives to turn to, so they often feel lonely and left out, and in reality, they are. At Grace Family Center, these young people meet and spend time with adults who give them support and encouragement and help them develop into independent people with strong self-worth. The staff, at the project, prepare an individual plan for each young person who comes to it. The work is based on Christian principles. They live and work in an environment where they can meet with others in the same situation and know the saving grace of Jesus and be part of his big family.

Lisa is in her third trimester when I first meet her in her apartment located in a small town about 25 km south of St. Petersburg, Russia. She lives in the apartment on the weekends and during school holidays. The apartment is in terrible shape and it smells strongly of sewage and mold. Lisa gathers her things and are packing them in a large bag. In about a week she will give birth to her second child and move into the Family Center Grace in St. Petersburg. Just six months ago was Lisa alone, left, and in total decay. She had been betrayed by all those who were closest to her and the few adults that she had confidence in had turned their back to her.

Lisa grew up in a troubled family. Her mother and father were addicts and they did not care very much about their youngest daughter. When other parents followed their children to school, Lisa walked by herself. When she came home from school she had to cook her own meals and wash the few clothes she had. From the kitchen window she could see the other kids run around and play in the yard and she dreamed of being able to be with them and play. Her alcoholic parents finally lost custody of her and when Lisa was 13, she ended up in an orphanage. It was very difficult for Lisa who had to take care of herself all of her life to fully self-adapt to the ever waited and monitored life at the orphanage and she tried to stay away from the orphanage as soon and as often as she got the chance.

When Lisa just turned 14 her mother died of alcohol abuse and in grief after her, Lisas father drank bad vodka and had such severe brain damage that he became unresponsive and was placed in a nursing homes. Lisa, a precocious and looked much older than her 14 years met with Maxim, a young man from Tajikistan. They fell in love, but with no sex education Lisa soon became pregnant. The staff at the orphanage advised her to have an abortion but Lisa and Maxim refused. When Lisa was only 15 years old her son Roma was born. She wanted to care for and raise him, but she was not of age and Roma was taken from her and placed in another orphanage.

With the support from Grace Family Center she retained the custody of her daughter. At Christmas last year i got the joyful news that Lisa, thanks to the support from Grace Family Center had regained custody of her son Roma. The family is now living together in the small apartment at the family center. The idea was that Lisa and her two children would move into the apartment, which she inherited from her parents in a Kolzhos area a couple of mil south of St. Petersburg as soon as she came of age. She will be invited to stay on Grace until she can support herself and her two children.

Grace Family Center was able to raise enough money to renovate Lisas apartment. The condition of the apartment is so much better today then when I first saw it. It´s clean and you can´t se any signs of the large mould colonies and the spider web on the walls and the smell from the kitchen and bathroom is fresh and clean. For me it´s a miracle. My first impression of the apartment when I first walked into it in mars 2011 was that it would be better to sell it. Cause the cost of renovation would be far to big. But now it´s like a completely different apartment and the administration has also did necessary repair to the stairway of the building.

From september 2012 Lisa decided to finish her studies to be a confectioner at the vocational training centre in St. Petersburg. Her children shall attend a day-care center in the area. Lisa wishes she could live five more years at the family center, but she needs to finish her studies first. It will be hard for Lisa to first bring the children to the day-care center and then travel the long way up to the school in St. Petersburg. But she is motivated and I believe that nothing can stop her. She will come to Grace for a weekend per month and that is something that she asked for.

Lisa is doing great in upbringing her kids, the father of the children works in St. Petersburg. He rents an apartment there with some friends and sometimes he visits his children and bring them food and presents. Sadly he don´t seem to be that interested in living a family life. But we hope and pray that he will soon change his mind. Lisas older sister who also lives in the apartment with Lisa and her children, stopped drinking, she has a proper work and she helps Lisa whenever she asks.

Lisa and her children will need lot of support in the future and Grace will continue to help and support her within the framework of Grace Family Center-Mothers project.

If you want to support Grace Family Center in St. Petersburg, Russia and help other young mothers like Lisa you can make a donation via the trusted NGO Star of Hope, USA 

Klicka på den följande länken om du vill läsa ett reportage om Lisa på svenska: Julreportaget - En trygg famn för Lisa

Text and Photo: Natasha Kirillova & Mikael Good. All Rights Reserved.
Postat 2012-12-25 12:22 | Läst 9715 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Ett julreportage i väntan på undergången

Medan jag väntar på undergången sitter jag och filar på årets julreportage som traditionsenligt ska publiceras i min blogg den 24 december. Denna gången kommer reportaget att handla om en ung tvåbarnsmamma som jag träffade i Ryssland förra året.

Förra årets julreportage Ängeln i Riga som publicerades på svenska i min blogg på Fotosidan och på engelska i min blogg på Blogger har sammantaget haft över 8000 läsare. Det återstår att se om årets julreportage får lika många läsare.

Här kan ni läsa årets julreportage: http://www.fotosidan.se/blogs/chasid/julreportaget-en-trygg-famn-for-lisa.htm 

Text och foto: © Mikael Good. All Rights Reserved.

Postat 2012-12-21 11:16 | Läst 7112 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Jag har också hittat en handske

Ryssland är ett land som bäst avnjuts på vintern. Har man inte varit i Ryssland på vintern så har man inte varit där, säger ett lokalt ordspråk. Jag tog mina bilder i snöblasket och slasket under en händelserik promenad i St. Petersburg en förmiddag i mars förra året. En promenad som även går under namnet; "en klassisk KGB-manöver i St. Petersburg".

St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2010
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011
St. Petersburg © Mikael Good, 2011

Text och foto: © Mikael Good, 2011. All Rights Reserved. 

Postat 2012-11-28 14:23 | Läst 18520 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera
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