Bilder, tankar och reflektioner jag gärna delar. Både lek och allvar och framförallt mer hjärta än förstånd



Mind is narrow. Nothing is getting lost. Bacteria, mushrooms, lichens make use of everything left. Valid also for manmade leftovers. Nothing is left unused. Nature is  a fantastic network, every detail is used in a complicated network. But nature is not breaking down for one part in the chain has stopped functioning. There are hundreds or thousands of unused possibilities waiting for their chance. Nature is much clever than shortsighted human theories. Human perspective is tomorrow and yesterday, mens history is about ten thousand years. Life´s perspective on earth is about three billion years. Everything is tried, everything is tested. Only the functioning is being kept. What is not functioning has been outperformed by the functioning. What about men? We don´t know, present perspective is short. But we can rely on nature. If we are not functioning in a billion years perspective, we are being unused in future, we are not among the selected ones.




Inlagt 2023-04-07 00:13 | Läst 1894 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Vad heter hufvudstaden i Sverige?
Grym bild, lite mystisk, skrämmande, ogenomtränglig..
Hoppar över texten p.g.a. bristande språkkunskap..
Fantastiskt spännande bild, gillas mycket! Verkligen mystisk. Intressant perspektiv i texten. Personligen tror jag det är andra livsformer som härskar om en miljard år. Människan blir nog en parentes.
Hälsningar, Bjarne
En häftig bild, mörk och spännande! Mvh Nina
Erkenius 2023-04-09 08:04
Vet du skriver bra, men är dålig på engelska :-/