Lite mera skryt...
Så här skrev en DeviantArt medlem om mig på på sin sida häromdagen.
I don't remember how I came upon this deviation, but however it was...I'm so glad I did. Carlzon seems to have taken photomanipulation of portraits to a level I didn't know existed! His retouches of photographic images are simply astounding! Take "Sunday Morning Retouch..." The orginal image is very well taken picture, but Carlzon takes it to a whole different realm. It looks like a drawn image! It MAY BE A DRAWN IMAGE! But, I'm not trained in knowing the difference...and that is why I am starting this week's features with his gallery! For an artist of his overwhelming skill, a small feature in a journal of a deviant who doesn't do much may not seem like much...but, to me...looking through almost every piece of his gallery woke something up in me. Isn't that one of the goals that artist try to bring out of people? Even if I never meet him, I wanted others to know that this gallery is a true testament to WOW! All further my argument at someone who has true skill, and great patience! (Stockimage by Nikki)
På vår vackra brudorkidé har det nu slagit ut tre blommor, fortsättning följer...
Så är OS nästan över. Det har blivit många timmar/dagar framför TV:n, och också flera nätter. Massor av koppar kaffe har man hävt i sig också. Min hustru säger att förr i tiden (när vi träffades) var jag inte ett dugg sportintresserad utan att det kommit med åren. Och det stämmer nog (förgubbning?).
Nu kan man i alla fall återgå till normal dygnsrythm...
Eftersom jag var uppe kl. 04.00 i morse tänker jag ta en liten power nap nu.