Aktiv medlem
Uppsnappat på DP. Med ett så här lågt pris lutar det väl åt att K10D är en DS-ersättare och att D kommer att ersättas av en K1.
Well, I've only actually seen photos of the latest build of it, courtesy of my
Pentax rep, but at least I've got a little more information for you to chew
on. The photos were taken this week, so this is about as current as it gets.
First off, the magic press-release date is September 13th. There's still so
much I haven't been able to pry from my rep that I'm dying for this date to
hurry up and get here!
Body + 18-55 lens should be $899. A bit more than I expected, but still a damn
good price.
The name is definitely K10D (it was stamped on the body). Any remaining
doubters can relax now.
Well, I've only actually seen photos of the latest build of it, courtesy of my
Pentax rep, but at least I've got a little more information for you to chew
on. The photos were taken this week, so this is about as current as it gets.
First off, the magic press-release date is September 13th. There's still so
much I haven't been able to pry from my rep that I'm dying for this date to
hurry up and get here!
Body + 18-55 lens should be $899. A bit more than I expected, but still a damn
good price.
The name is definitely K10D (it was stamped on the body). Any remaining
doubters can relax now.