Aktiv medlem
Det här läste jag redan 2012-06-06, jag har knappast ifrågasatt detta faktum,
- en optisk förvrängning, vid inte korrigerad RAW!
”……. At wide-angle, we suspect some of the softening is due to the geometric distortion correction ……..”
Imaging-resource är betydligt mer kraftfulla i sin kritik av denna kameras distorsion vid raw-filer. Klicka på ovan länk och läs från rubriken Geometric Distortion. De skriver:
"To see how much correction is taking place in the camera, we converted RAW files from the above shots with dcraw, which does not correct for distortion. As you can see, at wide-angle, the barrel distortion is extremely high at about 3.8%, while barrel distortion at telephoto is a relatively low 0.5%.
It's not at all unusual these days to see fairly significant distortion in uncorrected RAW files, as this gives the lens designers greater flexibility in optimizing center sharpness and other aberrations, as well as in reducing cost, size, and weight. The downside is that the distortion correction contributes additional blurring to the corners of the frame, where lenses are usually already a bit soft. Also, if you're using a RAW converter that doesn't understand the embedded "opcodes" to perform distortion corrections automatically, you'll have to make the corrections manually in your image-editing software. Most RAW converters these days are capable of applying distortion correction automatically, as specified by the manufacturer."
(Min fetstilsmarkering.)
Verkligen synd att kameran brister i kvalité just här, särskilt för oss som helst använder oss av raw.