
Sony a900 är här!

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Äntligen! A900 (eller dess efterföljare när jag tänker lite mer långsiktigt) ligger i topp på listan av foto-pryttlar att skaffa när pengarna finns :D 5bps, 35mm sensor och minolta-anknytningen räcker gott för att få mig att fastna :D

Ska bli spännande att se vad Canon kontrar med, nu när de plötsligt inte leder MP-racet längre :)
Av erfarenhet från mina två tidigare Sonykameror förväntar jag mig att Adobes RAW-konverterare lär prestera klart bättre på de flesta områdena än Sonys egna lilla hack.
Canon måtte värkligen ha en enorm press på sig nu, med både D700 och A900 på marknaden. Hoppas dom drar till med nått redigt dunder nu, gärna till ett lägre pris me, så D700 eventuellt blir tvingad till o sjunka i pris.
Canon måtte värkligen ha en enorm press på sig nu, med både D700 och A900 på marknaden. Hoppas dom drar till med nått redigt dunder nu, gärna till ett lägre pris me, så D700 eventuellt blir tvingad till o sjunka i pris.

Tänk om Canon kunde vara sâ kloka att dom sätter sig ner och funderar pâ vad som verkligen vore en förbättring och dämpar pixelracet.
Tänk om Canon kunde vara sâ kloka att dom sätter sig ner och funderar pâ vad som verkligen vore en förbättring och dämpar pixelracet.
Ja precis, en fördubbling av antalet pixlar lär ju krävas för att det verkligen ska ses som en förbättring, så runt 25 MP som i Sony'n blir nog bra i en 5DII!
Intryck från

"First, the firmware is not final release and they expect to improve high ISO. At the moment it is slightly better than the A700 due to 5.9µm pixels instead of 5.5µm pixels. The crop mode can definitely be turned off for DT lenses (it is automatic, but that can be disabled) and no-one asked whether you can invoke it for FF lenses - but no faster frame rate is possible, it is still 5fps. The raw file however is cropped, so faster to transfer/process. Also, the sync speed is not 1/300th (this was doubly assured to me by an early user in Australia) but 1/200th with SS, 1/250th without - much as I suspected (I felt it might even be slower, but they have managed to keep both this and the SSS-SS performance on a part with the A700).

The 70-400mm is awesome, I used a DO NOT USE prototype! Same for the 16-35mm, also marked DO NOT USE. The viewfinder is truly exceptional, it is 40% brighter than the A700 well as larger, and 20% brighter than any other current DSLR finder, and has zero distortion and coma aberration in the eyepiece so you really see an amazingly sharp, clear corner to corner image ‘’. With fast lenses, it really does look brighter than the view seen by the naked eye - a psychological effect maybe, but this finder makes you want to shoot everything in sight. It makes ordinary subjects look like works of art.

There are 30 lens registers for FF/BF correction and +/- 20 steps (20 either way) enterable. CF card and MS card can not do sequence or dual writing. The Intelligent Preview can not be saved, it is a mini-raw file of some kind to which wide adjustments can be carried out and seen on the screen - WB, override, exposure changes, contrast, colour, etc - and then when you press OK these parameters are saved for your shot, which you must then take.

It has true mirror lock-up and all the creative styles can be applied in either AdobeRGB or sRGB - they are not just limited to sRGB as before.

I made a sound recording of the entire conference and Shirley intends to transcribe it, either with a summary and quotes, or verbatim. Duncan’s images - he actually only had the camera for 10 days! - were just awesome. Finally, they used a real photographer and not some crummy celeb or Magnum C-lister, and they got pix which absolutely showed off the camera as a major tool for landscape, architectural and action work. The AF is much improved and the SSM on the new lenses just zips in - very fast compared to the classic 70-200mm gentle action.

My Mac Powerbook battery went and died (total collapse) so I did not post anything after the conference, and we had a great dinner with the Red Hot Chilli Pipers (rock pipe band) as cabaret. I am not joining the field shooting trips tomorrow but senior European staff at Sony are trying to arrange for me to pick up a camera body at the end of the day when they have finished, to have for a few days to try more varied subjects than the street outside a hotel window.

I’ll update in the morning. I have an entire 4GB new Sony fast MS Duo Pro HG card filled with pix and of course, it’s not proving easy to read - I may even need to buy a new card reader to handle it. I am having to use my A700 as a card reader - the first time I plugged a camera into a computer for a few years, I’ve always had card readers instead.

And I don’t have the updated software needed to convert the raw files.

Jössenam dom 4-första verkar tagna med en gammal 2mp-kamera.är det någon som driver med oss.Bengt.

LL killen kör ju med CAnon så ;)

Nej skämt åtsido så är bilderna på 20KB så ja :) inget konstigt där med sådan hård kompression.
Men vem vet han kanske använder mobilkameran för att ta enkla dokumentära snapshots? Är väl ganska oviktigt egentligen.
De är ju bara till för att visa vad det är för kamera han provat , samt objektiv.
Spara 5000 på Fujifilm GF-objektiv hos Götaplatsens Foto