Aktiv medlem
Klipper tre citat från en tråd i ett diskussionsforum:
"You should avoid going past f8 as much as possible. With most lenses, the further you stop down after that point, the worse quality gets."
"...however lenses almost always start to deteriorate in image quality and sharpness when you stop it down too low. Like f16 and lower."
"F22 is way too small an aperture to use with a crop sensor camera, especially one with 10 megapixels (one reason why I think it's a very bad idea to cram as many as 12MP onto a crop sensor). On my 8MP 20D, I never shoot at smaller apertures than F11, so the 40D probably shouldn't go smaller than F10."
Det här hade jag aldrig hört förut. Så jag skulle gärna vilja ha synpunkter på detta. Är det verkligen sant att man bör undvika höga bländartal eftersom det försämrar bildkvalitén?
"You should avoid going past f8 as much as possible. With most lenses, the further you stop down after that point, the worse quality gets."
"...however lenses almost always start to deteriorate in image quality and sharpness when you stop it down too low. Like f16 and lower."
"F22 is way too small an aperture to use with a crop sensor camera, especially one with 10 megapixels (one reason why I think it's a very bad idea to cram as many as 12MP onto a crop sensor). On my 8MP 20D, I never shoot at smaller apertures than F11, so the 40D probably shouldn't go smaller than F10."
Det här hade jag aldrig hört förut. Så jag skulle gärna vilja ha synpunkter på detta. Är det verkligen sant att man bör undvika höga bländartal eftersom det försämrar bildkvalitén?