Det kan vara en mängd olika faktorer som gör att användare kan känna sig inlåsta i ett program som Lightroom. En del kan vara tekniska i det att man exv. kan känna sig osäker kring att gå in i en migrations- och konverteringsprocess om man inte är så särskilt tekniskt bevandrad och en del Lightroom-användare tillhör säkert den gruppen då många Lightroom-användare tilltalats just av Lightrooms låga "ribba".
Andra inlåsningsfaktorer är säkert mer av ekonomisk art som även kan ha att göra med att det blivit mer och mer enkelt och i vissa fall "default" att lagra bilder i molnet, som det kanske heller inte är så enkelt att flytta på alla gånger.
Vad är det här? Jag hittade detta när jag sökte på "leaving Lightroom"
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2 months ago
Leaving lightroom is going to cost me money!!!
Finally decided to abandon lightroom as i really dont use it enough to justify the monthly cost. When i go to the leaving page it tells me i have a £54 early termination fee!!! Wtf? How is this even possible on a monthly basis? Is there any way around this as it looks like ill have to keep it for another 5 months before i can get out of it? This is scandalous, i've seen nowhere that even mentions this rip off!! Any help appreciated folks"
en annat exempel:
10 Messages
260 Points
Mon, Aug 12, 2019 3:23 AM
Looking for a Lightroom exit strategy
Dear Adobe,
Your Lightroom strategy is morally reprehensible and completely unacceptable. Asking people to pay $120 a year just to access their photo library is extortion!
You are forcing me to look for an alternative raw editor and digital archive management software.
Your inconsiderate pursuit of short-term economic self interest, essentially pure greed, is forcing me to end a 20-year relationship of supporting your company and enthusiastically using your products. This has been a hard decision to make and it leaves me feeling deeply saddened.
I was hoping a few years ago that you would offer some way out for people who have trusted you and invested all of their creative photography work (photo editing and organizational tagging) into your Lightroom system, for example, by creating a monthly access plan or selling a perpetual license exit copy of Lightroom, but you have done neither of these things. I cannot imagine paying $120 a year (or more) for the rest of my life just to keep my photo library intact and functional.