PerFogelberg skrev:
35000 kr är 11000 kr billigare än den förra fullformataren med lägst priset. Synd att jag inte kan läsa någonstans att det finns ISO-visning i sökaren.
Nej, tyvärr ingen ISO i sökaren..
"The information display in the finder, below the focusing screen, is like the display of
the EOS 20D, with the addition of an indicator for FE lock: AE lock, AEB in progress
(blinks), Flash ready, insufficient flash warning during FE lock (blinks), High-speed sync
(FP flash), FE lock, FEB shooting (blinks), Flash exposure compensation, Shutter speed
(if camera shake will occur, it blinks), bulb, FE lock (FEL), Processing data (buSY),
Aperture (if unsuitable, it blinks), Exposure level display (Exposure compensation,
Manual exposure level, AEB level, Flash exposure compensation, Red-Eye Reduction lamp
on time display), White balance correction, Max. burst, AF focus confirmation (blinks when
focus cannot be achieved), MF focus confirmation, No CF card warning (no CF)."