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5D Mk2
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Avslutat medlemskap
finns det någon som har koll på hur mycket billigare i % föregående modell brukar bli i och med en ny modell?
Aktiv medlem
Tycker det varierar rätt mycket. Största klippen gör man väl iofs på begagnatmarknaden. Tycker att 5D redan låtit sig influeras av alla rykten om en uppföljare. 5D har väl på rätt kort tid sjunkit ca tre-fyra tusen i pris begagnat. Mark IIN är ju mellan varven löjligt billig. Ett bra exempel på en rätt ologisk prissättning tycker jag D2X är. Den kostar väl fortfarande i runda slängar 35000 kr. Jag har svårt att förstå de som väljer att köpa en ny D2X idag. D200 däremot tycker jag är en prisvärd modell som i paritet med 5d still going strong. Den vänder sig tack vare sitt pris till många som inte har förstånd att utnyttja en sån avancerad modell.fridhamre skrev:
finns det någon som har koll på hur mycket billigare i % föregående modell brukar bli i och med en ny modell?
Aktiv medlem
paul innergård skrev:
Den vänder sig tack vare sitt pris till många som inte har förstånd att utnyttja en sån avancerad modell.
Ska man tolka det som att du tycker att nya 5D bör prissättas ganska högt så den inte hamnar i händerna på ovärdiga idioter?
Aktiv medlem
Nej det var fel tolkning och samtidigt ett något oförsiktigt ordval av mig. Det jag menar är att folk som normalt sett fluktar efter en D80, 450D, A200, osv också uppmärksammar D200 som tidigare legat i en helt annan prisklass. Nu bjuder den in förstagångsköpare som normalt sett skulle varit nöjda med en enklare modell. Ser inget negativt i det. Jag pungade själv ut med ca 15000 kr för min D200, men det efter att ha fotat aktivt i nästan 20 år. Nu ligger den rent prismässigt inom räckhåll för nästan vem som helst. Kul, men samtidigt lite konstigt.BugEyes skrev:
Ska man tolka det som att du tycker att nya 5D bör prissättas ganska högt så den inte hamnar i händerna på ovärdiga idioter?
Vad gäller prissättningen på nya 5D får man väl hoppas att Canon, den här gången gör som Nikon gjort med både D200 och D300. Dvs sätter ett lågt pris sett till vad man får för pengarna. Gissningsvis 25000-28000 kr. Förhoppningsvis runt 20000 kr. 5D stod länge som referens för bra bildkvalitet. Idag känns det som om D3 tagit över den positionen. Jag hoppas att D3 inte blir lika långlivad och ensam på tronen som 5D varit. Sen hoppas jag innerligt att de inte jagar upp pixlarna för mycket i antal. Det gynnar några få, men för det stora flertalet blir det onödigt stora och svårjobbade filer.
Aktiv medlem
Pillrade på en 5D på mässan i Jönköping. Jämfört med kameror som 40D och 1D Mark III känns 5D som ett välvårdat, skramlande fornminne.
Men bilderna blir säkert bra ändå.
Men bilderna blir säkert bra ändå.
Aktiv medlem
I en inte allt för gammal tråd framgick att 5D led av lite mer färgbrus än Mark III men att de i övrigt var nästan identiska ur brushänseende. Nu hävdar väl iofs en del att Mark III har lägre brus när man fotat sida vid sida i varierande miljöer, men oavsett så är 5D näst intill lika bra. Af på 5D är väl också rätt bra, bättre än den på 30D. vet inte hur den står sig jämfört med 40D. Jag tycker 5D ändå är ett rejält hus, inte som en 1D men ändå mycket kamera. Handhavandemässigt vet jag inte hur den är. kan tänka mig att just den biten är lite föråldrad jämfört med konkurrenterna. Men i all väsäntlighet tror jag den står sig som arbetsredskap, och det är ytterst få modeller som man kan hävda ger bättre bildresultat än 5Dapersson850 skrev:
Pillrade på en 5D på mässan i Jönköping. Jämfört med kameror som 40D och 1D Mark III känns 5D som ett välvårdat, skramlande fornminne.
Men bilderna blir säkert bra ändå.
Aktiv medlem
paul innergård skrev:
Nej det var fel tolkning och samtidigt ett något oförsiktigt ordval av mig.
Jo, jag förstod det men kunde inte låta bli att retas lite.
Jag hoppas också att det blir en riktigt bra kamera som ersätter 5D. Hellre det än en lågpris FF full av kompromisser.
Canon kommer att ha en pressvisning runt den 22:e. Men det är en pressvisning för videokameror så vitt jag kan förstå. Men då kan kanske även kompakter släppas.
Aktiv medlem
En intervju har tydligen publicerats i Japan idag där en högt uppsatt Canon chef pratar om bla vad som pågår på FF sidan.
Vem kan japanska?
Vem kan japanska?
Aktiv medlem
* We would like to increase also the line-up of full size
In regard to the sensor on-board machine of EOS 5D ─ ─ 35mm
format full size, there was a story that development of the EOS 5D
successor aircraft was specified. Presently for the professional and
they are 2 lines of 5D, but the line-up of 5D increases, or are there
times when positioning is modified?
If privately, it is possible, we would like to increase. As one genre
we would like to keep making establish the full size sensor on-board
machine. In the market which 併 sale it is possible, you think the
併 sale of APS-C, but but you must have how many platform of the
computer? When with you think, because there is also a difficult
aspect, there are no times when line-up increases suddenly. APS-C you
must do either the design of the mirror box to that is different,
The ─ ─ say, being involved in 35mm format, as for the user layer
which purchases the full size machine, there is relation even in the
lens system, probably will be. In the sense such as that, you think
that the filter which already does the full size machine also it is
good price to have low in the range.
So the shank. While being the APS-C sensor adoption machine which is
superior in cost performance, seeking picture quality and lens
description, etc. because the people who buy the full size machine
think, that it is the true photograph fan, it enters there we would
like to line up the type of easy price range where as a hobby in the
future. Because the single-lens reflex camera is the product where the
development span is long, it is not the case that it can increase
line-up simply from this year latter half. But, whether from APS-C to
full size, in every each sensor size, how product line-up is formed,
you think that it is the theme which now it should argue just.
As mentioned earlier, because as for the single-lens reflex camera the
operativity which is accumulated in long history, there is using
selfishness, spending time, you must closely examine the operativity
and function and ease of use with system total. Simply, installing the
up-to-date component, if just it invents the product which functioning
it does as a single-lens reflex camera, it is possible to put out
shortly one after another at period, but kneading product
specification and the design of the small mechanic part, kneading,
spending time, testing, because it has commercialized.
─ ─ last year after the inaugurating, it was the question fish
story which specifies the fact that directly it starts the succession
type of full size machine in 4 months. Recently until the product
appears from plan commencement, because time about of 1 year half is
required generally, in Photokina which this year is the biggest event,
the 5D succession type becoming announcement, to be strange, without
being, the shank.
Because size of the expectation for the full size machine has been
transmitted even in this, it finishes in the as much as possible good
product. Please enjoy. In regard to picture quality and in regard to
added value, it becomes something which progresses largely probably
will be.
It is the topic where ─ ─ this comes out with previous interview,
but the case where the camera is used there was a story that we would
like to digitalize sensuous feeling good quality and the like. The
development how probably will be.
Uniting project, it makes research and development undertake. Several
result endeavors coming out, in order now the sushi, to go in addition
to that, continuously. Simply, not only the movement and sound of the
camera as the mechanic, it is the wide activity where the CANON
single-lens reflex camera the user as it is some kind of product, you
have considered whether and so on, included also user image and the
like. Because it is not to be able to digitalize simply, first, you
inspect under various conditions whether it is felt that feeling it
can photograph some camera well.
But with ─ ─ previous interview, the writer as for the CANON
single-lens reflex camera the honor-student, to be put by the line-up
of the top and bottom in the especially middle class machine, "for
self amateur the middle class machine is the product which is placed
in this range," that making the shell, as been confined, because you
were moved, is. The middle class machine of course costwise is harsh
reason in comparison with the significant type, but during the cost
restriction, justifying the technical element of the section,
justifying, if it is something which it made, you think that it is
trivial with you do not think, it is. This just satisfies requirements
specification completely without ソツ, not to be obtained, the て,
they probably are the first certain ones.
The reflection of the designer for the camera is very big ones. But,
making product line-up, while keeping developing, as business rather
than making with the reflection, the causing れ which has also the
time when it has reached the point where you make precedence
requirements specification and satisfying cost restriction increase it
is. But, in actual place, the atmosphere such as that has changed
At the ─ ─ place, concerning the succession of the full size
machine "once upon a time it was of enjoying", but expanding the
filter framework which is already done, altogether line-up, to
Photokina something as for the "new pleasure" it probably is to
Of course it is that. This year it just started still. First 1 unit
was announced, but continuously, it keeps producing the product which
does not betray expectation.
* We would like to increase also the line-up of full size
In regard to the sensor on-board machine of EOS 5D ─ ─ 35mm
format full size, there was a story that development of the EOS 5D
successor aircraft was specified. Presently for the professional and
they are 2 lines of 5D, but the line-up of 5D increases, or are there
times when positioning is modified?
If privately, it is possible, we would like to increase. As one genre
we would like to keep making establish the full size sensor on-board
machine. In the market which 併 sale it is possible, you think the
併 sale of APS-C, but but you must have how many platform of the
computer? When with you think, because there is also a difficult
aspect, there are no times when line-up increases suddenly. APS-C you
must do either the design of the mirror box to that is different,
The ─ ─ say, being involved in 35mm format, as for the user layer
which purchases the full size machine, there is relation even in the
lens system, probably will be. In the sense such as that, you think
that the filter which already does the full size machine also it is
good price to have low in the range.
So the shank. While being the APS-C sensor adoption machine which is
superior in cost performance, seeking picture quality and lens
description, etc. because the people who buy the full size machine
think, that it is the true photograph fan, it enters there we would
like to line up the type of easy price range where as a hobby in the
future. Because the single-lens reflex camera is the product where the
development span is long, it is not the case that it can increase
line-up simply from this year latter half. But, whether from APS-C to
full size, in every each sensor size, how product line-up is formed,
you think that it is the theme which now it should argue just.
As mentioned earlier, because as for the single-lens reflex camera the
operativity which is accumulated in long history, there is using
selfishness, spending time, you must closely examine the operativity
and function and ease of use with system total. Simply, installing the
up-to-date component, if just it invents the product which functioning
it does as a single-lens reflex camera, it is possible to put out
shortly one after another at period, but kneading product
specification and the design of the small mechanic part, kneading,
spending time, testing, because it has commercialized.
─ ─ last year after the inaugurating, it was the question fish
story which specifies the fact that directly it starts the succession
type of full size machine in 4 months. Recently until the product
appears from plan commencement, because time about of 1 year half is
required generally, in Photokina which this year is the biggest event,
the 5D succession type becoming announcement, to be strange, without
being, the shank.
Because size of the expectation for the full size machine has been
transmitted even in this, it finishes in the as much as possible good
product. Please enjoy. In regard to picture quality and in regard to
added value, it becomes something which progresses largely probably
will be.
It is the topic where ─ ─ this comes out with previous interview,
but the case where the camera is used there was a story that we would
like to digitalize sensuous feeling good quality and the like. The
development how probably will be.
Uniting project, it makes research and development undertake. Several
result endeavors coming out, in order now the sushi, to go in addition
to that, continuously. Simply, not only the movement and sound of the
camera as the mechanic, it is the wide activity where the CANON
single-lens reflex camera the user as it is some kind of product, you
have considered whether and so on, included also user image and the
like. Because it is not to be able to digitalize simply, first, you
inspect under various conditions whether it is felt that feeling it
can photograph some camera well.
But with ─ ─ previous interview, the writer as for the CANON
single-lens reflex camera the honor-student, to be put by the line-up
of the top and bottom in the especially middle class machine, "for
self amateur the middle class machine is the product which is placed
in this range," that making the shell, as been confined, because you
were moved, is. The middle class machine of course costwise is harsh
reason in comparison with the significant type, but during the cost
restriction, justifying the technical element of the section,
justifying, if it is something which it made, you think that it is
trivial with you do not think, it is. This just satisfies requirements
specification completely without ソツ, not to be obtained, the て,
they probably are the first certain ones.
The reflection of the designer for the camera is very big ones. But,
making product line-up, while keeping developing, as business rather
than making with the reflection, the causing れ which has also the
time when it has reached the point where you make precedence
requirements specification and satisfying cost restriction increase it
is. But, in actual place, the atmosphere such as that has changed
At the ─ ─ place, concerning the succession of the full size
machine "once upon a time it was of enjoying", but expanding the
filter framework which is already done, altogether line-up, to
Photokina something as for the "new pleasure" it probably is to
Of course it is that. This year it just started still. First 1 unit
was announced, but continuously, it keeps producing the product which
does not betray expectation.
Aktiv medlem
Lustigt nog ser det ut precis som när våra japanska samarbetspartners (på jobbet, alltså) skriver engelska själva. Utan dumburksöversättning.
Aktiv medlem
Nej det var lite väl snabbt inlagt. Mer "Hellre än bra". Om jag gör lite tolkningar ändå, så verkar det väl inte pratas om någon ny specifik modell i FF segmentet.
"successor aircraft" tycker jag var bra
"successor aircraft" tycker jag var bra
Flash Gordon
Aktiv medlem
Värsta rappakalja jag någonsin sett.
Det översättningsprogrammet bör förpassas till de sälla jaktmarkerna.
Det översättningsprogrammet bör förpassas till de sälla jaktmarkerna.
Aktiv medlem
En (påstådd) dump från Tyska Canons sida, som visar en 5D mk II som kommer i juni...
-- Nicke
-- Nicke
Avslutat medlemskap
senaste ryktet:
dock garanterat bara en "photoshoppad" bild igen då jag är ytterst tveksam till att Canon har ett publiceringsförfarande på sina webbplatser som möjliggör att hemlig info som detta skulle kunna publiceras av misstag
citat (från av texten:
"Canon 5D Mark II - available from June 2008
The EOS 5D Mark II with full-frame sensor with 16 megapixels. 6.5 frames per second and innovative DIGIC III processor. Small, inconspicuous, light and manageable but still robust, weather-sealed construction."
dock garanterat bara en "photoshoppad" bild igen då jag är ytterst tveksam till att Canon har ett publiceringsförfarande på sina webbplatser som möjliggör att hemlig info som detta skulle kunna publiceras av misstag
citat (från av texten:
"Canon 5D Mark II - available from June 2008
The EOS 5D Mark II with full-frame sensor with 16 megapixels. 6.5 frames per second and innovative DIGIC III processor. Small, inconspicuous, light and manageable but still robust, weather-sealed construction."
Aktiv medlem
Fotoshop, inget annat.
Den tyska sidan utan 5d mk2.
Den tyska sidan utan 5d mk2.
Jonas Henriksson
Jag håller med Bill. Den bilden är Photoshoppad. Går man in på
Dvs tyska canon sidan så ser man att det saknas en Mark II
Dvs tyska canon sidan så ser man att det saknas en Mark II
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