The Roots of Photography is Snaps!
Back to the roots!

Straight 6287 // Leica didn’t bring the M6 back from the dead.

"But let’s not fool ourselves. Leica didn’t bring the M6 back from the dead. They haven’t retooled or rebooted the original M6 assembly line using all the original plans and parts. This is a replica of the M6 built on the Leica MP framework. The first clue is the complete lack of plastic strap bumpers. It has naked shoulders like all the modern Leicas including the MP and M-A. In fact, let’s just say it. This is just an MP dressed up to look like an M6.
And I’m okay with that.
It would be ludicrous if Leica just cranked up the old assembly line and started pumping out M6s again with the same tools and parts and designs that they used 30 years ago. The production line is already set up for the MP which is largely a refined version of the M6 anway. If they’re going to bring an M6 style camera back to market then it makes sense to incorporate the updates and improvements they added to the MP."
By Karl Edwards  /

Kanske ingen nyhet! :)

Ps. På lördag Gnesta-Planket! :)

Inlagt 2023-07-27 07:55 | Läst 705 ggr. | Permalink

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