Jag har tänkt på en sak...

Fortfarande lika oklart med inriktning. Jag skriver om det jag känner för och om saker jag gärna skulle få mer kunskap om och höra andras åsikter.

Blixt måste man ha

Många blixtar blir det på presskonferens i Japan

Jag citerar ett inlägg på dpreview.com som förklaring till  Youtube-klippet . Jag känner själv inte till   historien bakom presskonferensen. Det kanske vissa av er andra inte heller gör.

"My wife who in Japanese was watching the news and showed me this video. I could not believe how many cameras were there at the press conference.

Back story of the woman: She is a singer and actress. Brother and Father known to be with the 'Yakuza'...

Her husband was arrested for drugs and when the police asked to search her and the home, she told them there was some things she didn't want them to see (sex item) and she wanted to remove there son from the environment before the police came. Since the police didn't have a warrant for her or the home at the time they had to let her go.

Later that night, her and the child disappeared. It was a week before they caught up with her. By this time any drugs on or in her possession were gone.

So this is the press conference of her and her apology. Note how when she looks up the cameras shutter and flash. I just thought it was kind of cool to see...
Nothing more, nothing less... "

Länk till tråden på dpreview


Trevlig helg och glöm inte att ladda batterierna till blixten


Postat 2009-09-18 13:55 | Läst 1240 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (7) | Kommentera