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Läste på SAR detta inlägg från SAM:.
"Sam 23 hours ago
THERE IS a Build in flash on the picture. look carefully on the left side. Ther is a THIN line."
Skrev i går natt nedanstående kommentar:
" GunnarK 17 hours ago
Sorry, below is how my reply above should have looked like, if I had been able to finish editing quick enough…
Admin, can you remove my partly duplicate post above?
Sam, do you mean to the cameras left side, or to the viewers?
By magnifying the image on my laptop, I can clearly see a thin line – going from (the cameras) left side horizontally between the “α” sign and the “99″ digits, then going up along the EVF left side and then above the “SONY” letters on the viewfinder front but on the VF top, just about 1 mm behind the front. Then continuing down on the (cameras) right side of the EVF, and finally from there horizontally out to the right side (of the camera), below the IR lamp.
This would be the camera topplate, because I can see NO thin lines from the 1 mm in on the EVF top line going in the back direction, of the EVF, neither on the left nor on the right side. So I can’t find any popup flash in THIS picture, at least.
Also, the “popup flash button” looks like an unprotected PC-connector (think it ought to be more shiny if so, though).
Finally, the “α 99″ letters don’t look right.
I would say that this is either a pre-production version, or a fake. But are the pre-production versions really marked with “Sony”?
The wrtten specs seems me to be closer to the real things, though.
Sam 13 hours ago
GunnarK, I mean left to the viewers. and I dont mean that long camera top plate thin line. I suddenly realized laptop user might find diffcult to spot that thin line due to low screen contrast. Do you have access to a birght desktop moniter? That curved thin line lies between sony logo ‘S’ and the button that closest to the hot shoe(not those two abvoe IR).
GunnarK 5 hours ago
Thanks for the clarification!
No, I havn’t access to any good, bright desktop monitor, although I would like to…
Trying to squeeze out the best possible of my little humble laptop and doing careful inspection, I found there MIGHT be a very faint line there. But I am far from sure, I think it may rather be some optical illusion put together by my mind out of the randomly scraggy camera top plate pattern surface. Either that, or my laptop screen is too lousy…
Well, we will soon know, I hope!"
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