Det är Dpreview som skrivit om detta (länkat till Precision core) i sin Review här:
Epson launches A3+ SC-P600 printer with ‘industry’s highest black density’
Published Sep 6, 2014 | Damien Demolder
I texten står följande:
"Significantly, the Sure models, including the SC-P600 use Epson’s new PrecisionCore print head technology, which the company says brings additional control over ink droplet size, placement and shape, and with the potential to work faster than current desktop technology. The SC-P600 is said to produce an 11x14-inch photo print in around 153 seconds."
Begreppet "Precision core" är blåmarkerat som länk i den annars vita texten på svart och länken går till ett White paper om "Precion core" som ligger här:
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Jag läste detta "white paper" och valde skrivare efter det och avstod alltså R3000 av kläggningsproblemen och valde SC-serien eftersom det åtminstone innebar något nytt.
Under 6. Keeping Thousands and Thousands of Nozzles Reliable and Ready kan man läsa vad de skriver om att hålla skrivarhuvudena rena.
Om det ligger det minsta sanning i detta så finns i dessa skrivare en teknik för att hålla skrivhuvudena rena "on the fly". Förhoppningsvis gör det att vi själva slipper manuella rensningsövningar lika ofta. Läs nedan:
"Let’s talk for a moment about reliability. Periodic printhead maintenance is an essential
part of reliable print quality. PrecisionCore printhead technology is being developed
to take full advantage of the characteristics of the piezo at the core to keep
working reliably page after page, month after month, year after year. This technology
has the potential to be used in a wide variety of Epson printers.
Inkjet systems in general use a range of approaches to ensure the nozzles are able
to eject ink without problems. In Epson printers, when the printhead is not in use, it
is capped to prevent ink from drying and clogging the nozzles. Capping provides a
humid storage environment that keeps the inks liquid in the nozzles at a viscosity that
allows them to function immediately when needed. There are also systems to remove
the air that has found its way into the ink to prevent air bubbles from forming. And
now PrecisionCore introduces a new system that uses the power of the piezo crystal
itself to raise reliability, one that is only possible in a piezo printhead.
When voltage is applied to the piezo element, it flexes, acting as an actuator (the
pump that ejects the ink). Conversely, when a piezo element is flexed, it actually
generates a voltage. Because of this characteristic, the PrecisionCore piezo element
can be an extremely powerful ink pump one instant, and a highly-sensitive sensor the
next, as shown in the illustration. By using this sensor capability, the piezo element
can detect in milliseconds whether it is firing normally, if an air bubble has interrupted
firing, or if rising ink viscosity may cause issues, all without having to eject any ink. In
other words, it has the ability to self-diagnose its health almost instantly.
Armed with this information, the rest of the system in the future will be able to compensate
on the fly for nozzles requiring maintenance at the next
convenient stopping point. With PrecisionCore printhead technology,
printers will only have to stop when absolutely necessary or