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Nikon D500

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Om det känns viktigt hör VS-diskussionen hemma i egen tråd i vs-forumet. Den här tråden handlar om D500 ;)

Japp, verkligen! Nu hoppas jag bara att Cyberphoto får hem tillräckligt många kameror på tisdag så att det blir en till mig. :)

Är tisdag en förhoppning, eller har det sagts ett definitivt datum för svenska leveranser?

För övrigt har jag hittat ganska många trådar på DPReview, tack vara ditt tips Mats.
En hel del innehåller testbilder (även nedladdningsbara nef-filer) av olika slag och jämförelser mellan kameror. Mycket intressant läsning.
Pratade med den fotobutik där jag beställt min D500 och tidigare fått svar att kanske 26 april, men nu verkar det som om det inte blir så. När det blir verkar ingen att veta. Man får väl bara hoppas att det blir snart. Först kommer väl alla pro fotografer att få sina och efter det kommer vi.
Är tisdag en förhoppning, eller har det sagts ett definitivt datum för svenska leveranser?

För övrigt har jag hittat ganska många trådar på DPReview, tack vara ditt tips Mats.
En hel del innehåller testbilder (även nedladdningsbara nef-filer) av olika slag och jämförelser mellan kameror. Mycket intressant läsning.

Tja, jag frågade Cyberphoto om kameran kommer till Sverige den 26'e, samtidigt som till exempel Tyskland. Svaret var att den levereras då, men dom vet inte i vilket antal...

Det är en definitiv förhoppning alltså! :)
Intressant läsning...

Hittade det här inlägget på, det jag saknar är hur kameran presterar på låga iso, alla snackar om höga...

"D500 Impressions from a pro Nature Photog's view
1 day ago
I've been putting the D500 through testing and shooting a bit in the field on small wildlife and landscapes.

Having owned most of the Nikon bodies from the D100, D200. D300, D7200, D2x, and full framed D3, D4, D810's. I bought the D500 for wildlife with big lenses and as a camera for clients to use on tours.

Here is what I can tell you so far.


Everyone is focused on the ISO and I can say it is definitely thee best DX ISO performer hands down. It does not compare as well to full frame D4 (D810 doesn't count as a full frame in my mind since the pixel count puts it more in the realm of a super DX in respect to noise)

In real world testing and use with raws, I would comfortably use ISO 4000 on the D500. So that seems to be nearly a full stop better than the D7200 for the same high detail wildlife shots in low light. For me the D7200 peaked usability at 2000. Its also about 2/3rd of a stop better than the D810 comparing DX crop mode shots which topped out for me at 2500 ISO. (Remember the D100 when ISO 800 was really pushing things)

So that puts it just behind a D4 which could get the same results around 8000 ISO. Until I got this camera in hand I was seriously considering a D4s for those really low light past sunset wildlife moments but the D500 has me reconsidering.

Layout and Buttons

The overall camera layout is interesting and does take a bit to get used to compared to the D810s. The buttons left of the screen are a bit less round and more flat than all the older nikons. Might be an issue with gloves but that is TBD. The ISO button move is a change is the hardest to get used to. The auto focus toggle is nice and much better than the D4 feel. Your thumb just naturally falls into the toggle / AF On area.

One body change that affects my usual set up is they moved the battery from being in the right grip to more in line with the body meaning the battery door has moved closer to the middle of the camera so my Wimberley Acra Swiss style standard camera plate blocked the door unless you really off centered it. So you will likely really want a camera specific plate if you use non-kit heavier lenses.

Auto Focus

I always find the best test for AF is small mammals and birds in the grass and bushes. My usual go to setting is AF-C d9 for most situations and AF-C single for busy situations with grass or sticks around the focus point. For the D500 I have found the d25 to not find animal eyes very well. When I'm in single point most of them are keepers. Its a bit better than the D7200 and even the D810 but so far when dof's are very shallow the d25 option seems to have a lot of variation on exactly where it will focus on your target even when the focus box is right on the eye.

Last night I shot a bull elk in failing light as it started to rain and every shot was sharp focusing on the eye at about 20 yards so the -3 EV focusing lives up to the hype.

For small mammals at the same 20 yard distance it hit focus very fast on a 500mm and 600mm even with 1.4 TCs on AF-C single. It is what you would expect, but bottom line the Group and Dynamic options are not as great in cluttered situations with small targets where dof is critical. In that respect the D810 does better with d9.

I don't shoot people so I can't talk about the face detection or 3D which has always been designed for sports and more contrasting subjects.

Auto AF Fine Tune

Those of you that are really excited for the AF Fine Tune auto feature, its not the miracle solution we all hoped for. I tested it out on day one and after 10 minutes I broke out the lens align and got correct results much faster from the lens align then the auto feature for lenses over 300mm. I'm not sure why but the 200-400mm, 80-400mm, 500mm, and 600mm all had a lot of variation, sometimes test to test sometimes in changing light conditions (400mm zooms were maxed out at 400mm each test). The auto feature at least got you going in the right direction but I found it was often 5 or more clicks off from correct.

Wrap Up

All in all it is exactly what I hoped for and more. A roughly high pixel density with good ISO wildlife camera that is good enough for most other uses. The D810 will always be the landscape go to and when FPS is less of a concern. It does remind me of the D300 in the way that was my usual go to camera for nearly everything."
I lager...

Finns i lager enligt / på dessa varuhus:
Sthlm Heron City
Sthlm Gallerian
Sthlm Barkarby
GBG Bäckebol
GBG Högsbo

Fanns oxå på Rajala mellan 00-01 idag, men nu gul status, ej grön...

Hänga på låset på MM imorn då?
Nikon D500 finns inte ännu ute i butikerna det är bara demoexemplar som har kommit till Mediamarkt . Den första sändningen går till professionella fotografer. När andra sändningen kommer är osäkert. Fått denna information från Nikon.
Tyvärr verkar jag inte få min kamera i denna svängen. Orderstatus ändrad från "...slutet av april", till "Beräknas in i mitten av maj".
Skandinavian photo levererar allt eftersom. Ingen prognos dock, utan svaret jag fick var att den kan ramla in "om en dag eller en månad".
Bara att ge sig till tåls då och försöka släcka värsta abstinensen med att studera de bilder som nu läggs ut på nätet.
Det ser ju faktiskt riktigt lovande ut :)
MediaMarkt har som sagt i lager i vissa varuhus. Jag köpte nyss en i Helsingborg. :)

"Tack för din beställning gjord 2016-04-26 hos Media Markt. Dina varor med ordernummer XXXXXX finns att hämta i varuhuset."

Klar att hämtas, så jag hänger nog på låset vid 10:00 imorgon...
Köp Fujifilm GFX100S II hos Götaplatsens Foto