Sten-Åke Sändh
Aktiv medlem
Ja vi fotonördar har ju länge viftat bort detta men trots allt så sker det nog oftast numera en snabbare utveckling av kameramobilerna än utvecklingen av systemkamerorna och så har de varit länge nu. Hur konstigt är det när den senare branschen räknar marknaden i några få miljoner sålda kameror per år medan försäljningen av mobiler räknas i siffror kanske hundra gånger större än så. Så där pengarna finns finns också resurserna till den R&D som gör skillnad.
Vilka systemkameratillverkare har inte varit mer eller mindre på dekis de senaste fem åren??
Citat från SAR som klippt från Dpreview:
"After Sony, also Qualcomm believes the smartphones Image Quality will soon surpass the classic system cameras
Back in May Nikkei reported the following statement from Mr Terushi Shimizu:
found via Dpreview" (slut citat)
Vilka systemkameratillverkare har inte varit mer eller mindre på dekis de senaste fem åren??
Citat från SAR som klippt från Dpreview:
"After Sony, also Qualcomm believes the smartphones Image Quality will soon surpass the classic system cameras
- October 3, 2022
- news
Back in May Nikkei reported the following statement from Mr Terushi Shimizu:
This was quite a big and controversial statement. But now also Judd Heape (vice-president of product management for cameras at Qualcomm) made a similar claim in an interview released by Android Authority:“We expect that still images will exceed the image quality of single-lens reflex cameras within the next few years.”
I am not so sure about that. Any pic taken with a 100MP Samsung is literally not the same thing as a 100MP image taken from a medium format camera. You cannot cheat on pixel size physics…In terms of getting towards the image quality of a DSLR, yes. I think the image sensor is there, I think the amount of innovation that’s going into mobile image sensors is probably faster and more advanced than what’s happening in the rest of the industry.
The processing in Snapdragon is 10 times better than what you can find on the biggest and baddest Nikon and Canon cameras. And that’s why we’re able to really push the barrier on image quality. Because even though we have a small lens and small image sensor, we’re doing many, many times more processing than what’s even capable in a DSLR.
found via Dpreview" (slut citat)