
Canon D60!! 6.3 Megapixel!

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Steves digicams hade visst gjort en liten miss och lagt ut en pressrelese för D60 som egentligen skulle komma imorgon! :p

Canon Introduces the EOS D60: 6.3 Megapixel SLR
Camera With Interchangeable Lenses: Ideal For
Studio / Catalog Pros And Advanced Amateurs

High Resolution, Improved Autofocus with Illuminated Focusing Points, and
Simultaneous Recording of RAW / JPEG Files Make New D60 an Outstanding Value

LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. - February 23, 2002 - Canon U.S.A., Inc., a subsidiary of Canon Inc. (NYSE: CAJ), continues to answer the needs of professional photographers and enthusiasts with the introduction of the EOS D60 digital SLR. Developed with the needs of studio and catalog photographers in mind, the new D60, with its 6.3 megapixel (effective) resolution, provides photographers with the high performance, advanced
features, and creative flexibility they expect from an EOS SLR camera.

The new EOS D60 replaces the extremely popular EOS D30 digital SLR model and
retains many of its advanced features, while adding new and improved features including a 3-point AF system with more responsive performance, especially in low-light conditions; 3 illuminated viewfinder focusing points; and the ability to capture images simultaneously in RAW and JPEG, a valuable feature for photographers who need to transmit images immediately but want to maintain a high-quality archive file for future use. In addition, improvements in the camera's signal processing system allow photographers to make exposures as long as 30 seconds without the assistance of a Noise Reduction feature.

"Studio photographers expressed the need for a digital camera that offers high resolution without sacrificing the functions and flexibility Canon's EOS System cameras provide," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, vice president and general manager, Photographic Products Group, Canon U.S.A. "The camera's 6.3 megapixel CMOS sensor, coupled with the ability to capture images in both RAW and JPEG formats, make the D60 the perfect tool for studio photographers and photo enthusiasts everywhere," added Mr.Hashimoto.

The EOS D60's high resolution and outstanding color reproduction is made possible by a newly developed and proprietary 6.52 megapixel (total)/6.3 megapixel (effective), single-plate CMOS sensor with 3072 x 2048 square pixels, 12-bit analog-to-digital conversion and an on-chip RGB primary color filter array. The sensor is the same size as the EOS D30's at 15.1 x 22.7mm, resulting in a focal length conversion factor of 1.6x compared to the 35mm format.

The EOS D60 can record images in any one of six (6) JPEG settings plus RAW, including 2048 x 1360 pixel and 1536 x 1024 pixel JPEG settings not found in the EOS D30. D60 RAW files contain an embedded 2048 x 1360 JPEG image that can be extracted with the supplied driver software, making them ideal for photographers who need to view or transmit images quickly but need to retain maximum image quality for future editing.

The D60's autofocusing system is three times more sensitive in low light than the EOS D30's (EV 0.5 vs. EV 2). At the same time, the built-in AF assist beam is more effective than it was before. These changes result in significantly improved performance. Additionally, in response to D30 user feedback, active focusing points are now illuminated in red directly on the focusing screen, making it easier to confirm focusing
point selection and AF completion.

Other feature improvements include an illuminated LCD data panel on top of the
camera, making it simpler to view and change camera settings in low light; a brighter
LCD monitor for easier viewing of menus and recorded images in bright light; new custom functions to tailor the camera's operation for individual preferences; and a new in-camera setting that allows photographers to store up to 3 sets of Shooting Parameters including contrast, saturation, sharpness and color tone.

Because it is based on the EOS D30, the EOS D60 inherits many of that camera's advanced features including a built-in E-TTL flash, 11 shooting modes, 3 AF modes, 3 metering patterns, and shutter speeds ranging from 1/4000 to 30 seconds plus Bulb.

The D60's burst mode can capture up to 8 consecutive images at 3 frames per second at all image quality settings including RAW mode. The D60 is equipped with USB 1.1 and NTSC/PAL video out ports as well as an N3-series remote control socket, a dedicated hot shoe for EX-series Speedlites and a PC terminal for external flash units.

Image data is stored on CompactFlash cards including CompactFlash Type I and II,
enabling users to take advantage of the IBM Microdrive and other high-capacity
storage media. The lithium-ion Battery Pack BP-511, which is included with the
camera, provides enough power to take approximately 490 images at normal

The EOS D60 is bundled with an upgraded software package featuring powerful
drivers based on those supplied with the professional EOS-1D camera, but newly
upgraded for compatibility with Windows XP. Canon is also cooperating with Apple Computer to ensure that the D60 will soon be supported by the Image Capture function of OS X. Additional Canon utilities such as ZoomBrowser EX, PhotoRecord, ImageBrowser, USB Mounter, RAW Image Converter, PhotoStitch and RemoteCapture
are also supplied, together with complimentary copies of Apple QuickTime 5.0 and
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE.

EOS D60 optional accessories include Battery Grip BG-ED3, Compact Power
Adapter CA-PS400, DC Coupler DR-400, Interface Cable IFC-200PCU, Video Cable
VC-100, and Neckstrap EW-100DB.

The EOS D60 measures 5.9 x 4.2 x 3.0-inches and weighs a mere 27.5 ounces (body only). It will be available at authorized retailers by the end of March with pricing to be announced.
Detta stämmer garanterat 99.9%! :D

Tänk er vilken bildkvalitet då!!! - 6megapixel CMOS!! Detta kan knappast bli bättre? (förutom en 12 då...) :p
Och sen har vi också 1,6 brännvidden ocskå! MUMS!!

Ehh... undrar nu vad den kommer att kosta?
Eh.. jag har hittat en bild på Canon D60...
Är det olagligt att visa den?
Det blir antagligen den första bilden som visas... :cool:
Att D60 är officiell kan man konstatera genom att läsa tidning FOTO som kom idag. Där ha canon en annons på D60!

Synd bara att även D60 har en brännviddsförlängning på 1,6 (om man vill åt vidvinkel). Vidare är antalet fokuspunkter för få. Varför inte bygga kameran på eos30, nikon har ju gjort sin nya d100 på f80? D30:an var visseligen robust och byggd på ett eget hus men det behöver väl inte betyda att man bantar bort viss teknik? Ett stort plus jämfört med d100 är att canon har batterigrepp med avtryck som tillval. Nikon har återigen gjort en ofattbar tabbe! Tur man numer tillhör canonlägret...
Ojojoj...Jag måste bara ha den. Jag köper den iavsett vad den kostar :) Det blir till att spara tills man har pengarna helt enkelt...
Bilden ligger på Canons egen sida så den är helt säkert äkta.
Liten miss: fortfarande sport/proträttlägen på ratten. Onödigt tycker jag. Bra för miljonärer kanske som bara vill titta o trycka.
Ojojoj. Gissa om det kommer att debatteras om huruvida D60 eller D-100 är bäst.
Ja, det kommer att bli helt hysteriskt. Alla känner väl till Mac vs. PC-kriget... Tröttsamt till max.
Jag tror att båda kamerorna är kompetenta och bra grejer; vad man väljer är en smaksak. För mig är D-100 och Fuji S2 naturliga val, eftersom jag redan kör Nikon.

Men, Dagens Sanning består; I slutändan är det bara resultatet som räknas.
Bara resultatet.
Oj oj oj, nu blir man ju tveksam om man verkligen ska köpa en analog kamera ändå :D verkar ju fin fint, synd bara på den där 1,6 brännvidden..
Calle S skrev:

Men, Dagens Sanning består; I slutändan är det bara resultatet som räknas.
Bara resultatet.
Nja, man ska inte förakta känslan av att hålla sin dyra, fina kamera i högerhanden och vrida en glappfri zoomring med den vänstra...
Jag är övertygad att jag skulle bli en lyckligare och gladare människa med en D60 i kameraväskan. Nu gäller det bara att jag lyckas övertyga min sambo om det :D
Mats: :D så sant, familjen brukar ha svårt att förstå sådana här livsviktiga saker.. :rolleyes: känsla över allt :D
Nja, man ska inte förakta känslan av att hålla sin dyra, fina kamera i högerhanden och vrida en glappfri zoomring med den vänstra...
Har du rätt i. Man vill ju ha bra grejer.
Vad jag menar är, att sånt bryr jag mig inte om när jag tittar på dina bilder.
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.