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Från Imaging Resource och deras test av Nikon D3x:
Very high resolution, 2,200 ~ 2,300 lines of strong detail from in-camera JPEG, about the same from RAW files.
Strong detail to
2,300 lines horizontal
Camera JPEG Strong detail to
2,200 lines vertical
Camera JPEG
Strong detail to
2,400 lines horizontal
dcraw processed NEF Strong detail to
2,200 lines vertical
dcraw processed NEF
Our laboratory resolution chart revealed sharp, distinct line patterns down to about 2,300 lines per picture height horizontally, and about 2,200 lines in the vertical direction. Extinction didn't occur until past 3,600(!) lines, but lines began to merge at about 2,800 lines horizontally and vertically. We weren't able to extract much more resolution by processing the D3X's NEF files using dcraw (or ACR), perhaps another 100 lines in the horizontal direction, although there were fewer artifacts than the JPEGs near the resolution limits. (The D3x's default sharpening for JPEGs is really too high, leaves halos around high-contrast objects. Shoot with the in-camera sharpening set to 0 or 1 to avoid these.) Use these numbers to compare with other cameras of similar resolution, or use them to see just what higher resolution can mean in terms of potential detail."
Dpreview och deras test av Canon 1D Mk IV:
"Absolute resolution:
Point at which all lines of a resolution bar are still visible and defined, beyond this resolution loss of detail occurs (below Nyquist frequency)."
DXOmarks nya sida:
Resolution of a camera describes its ability to resolve fine details. Both the lens and the sensor have an impact on resolution. Read more about how resolution is defined, measured and scored"
Handlar upplösning fortfarande inte om detaljnivå?