hasse lundberg
Aktiv medlem
Är det någon som kan förklara vad detta är för typ av fotopapper/process.
citatet är från senaste (maj/#21) nummret av Black&White photography, i artikeln The forgotten format.
Det låter ju helt fantastiskt.
"A great advantage of all printing-out processes is that the image is self- masking. As the shadows print out, the image masks the silver halide beneath, automatically slowing the rate at which density builds in the shadows while the printing of the highlights continues unabated. The contrast range of the negative is thereby automatically compressed onto the paper."
citatet är från senaste (maj/#21) nummret av Black&White photography, i artikeln The forgotten format.
Det låter ju helt fantastiskt.
"A great advantage of all printing-out processes is that the image is self- masking. As the shadows print out, the image masks the silver halide beneath, automatically slowing the rate at which density builds in the shadows while the printing of the highlights continues unabated. The contrast range of the negative is thereby automatically compressed onto the paper."