
Nikon DX2 släpps 25 februari

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Ja, nu måste ni verkligen skärpa er...jag sitter här och blir helt skogstokig på allt ert OT-snack!!;)

Trevlig helg på er.:)

I det här intressanta inlägget på Dprewiew-forum står det att D2X kommer att finnas i små kvantiteter 25/2:

I had a meeting recently with a local Nikon rep (I am a Nikon reseller). He confirmed Nikon will anounce the D2HS (high speed) soon. The old D2H will not be upgradable with firmware. This camera will be based on the LBCAST sensor again. He did not disclose any other spec's.

Nikon is also working on a model below the D70 (sub 700 Euro's range). It's not clear what will happen with the D100 segment models. Canon on the other hand is about to introduce a beefed up Rebel: in Europe it will go under the name 350D. Which will mean that the 300/Rebel will be lowered in price to the same sub 700 euro range.

He also confirmed that the D2X is still on schedule for release on the 25th with larger quantities to be available shortly after that date (production is running on full capacitiy, but shipment is pending final tweaking of the firmware.

Also a Dutch group of nature ph. have taken the D2X (a preproduction model) on a trip to Antartic; apperantly the camera did very good in the cold conditions and pictures are great.

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