Parcifal skrev:
Det här är vad mitt inlägg handlade om. Christer menar här att porr eller erotik eller inte spelar ingen roll. Det är vackra delar av vår naturliga kropp och bör behandlas som vilken del av människan som helst. Så tolkar jag det i varje fall.
Min frågor till honom om han exempelvis skulle ta en sådan bild av sin mamma handlar om att jag ärligt vill veta om han verkligen likställer en bild av en slida som berörs av en hand med t.ex. en bild av bara en hand. Om han gör det borde det ju inte spela någon roll om han har en relation till modellen som enligt mig skulle göra en sådan bild lite obekväm att ta. Om han inte gör det faller hans argumentation som jag ser det eftersom han då också lägger andra värderingar i bilder av könet än andra delar av kroppen.
It's the weekend of July the 4th and I have a few moments to answer your post.
As seems to be your way, you are distorting what you see or read - perhaps subconciously - but after reading all your posts I think you do this very deliberately - as most people who are obscessed with issues and want to push their beliefs onto others.
This line of yours:
"en bild av en slida som berörs av en hand"
is a very good example of you distorting reality. I could not remember the word "slida" and had to look it up - as far as I understand it means "vagina" ie the inner part of a womens sex, right? I should have remembered this particular word as when I was a kid in Sweden it definitely accupied my mind quite a bit..
And I presume you in that statement refer to image # 15 on this page:
right? well, then Daniel, please get your glasses out or go see a optometrist, because no where in that image is a hand touching the part you call "slida" - it is actually just barely touching her VULVA - ie the upper outer part of her sex - and as I mentioned before, I've gotten many comments on it - mainly from women who feel is a beautiful image and conveys mainly tenderness.
Someone else answered you about the mother and sister arguments - let me just say simply that that was an unsavory way of attacking me and the others who do not share your views. Said a lot about who you are - just as my images says a lot about who I am.
Please be a little less distorting in your future posts - the way you write is pretty insulting - and obviously meant to be cutting, to inflame and to provoke.
There are people who do not share YOUR beliefs - they have the right to do so without you being offensive and disingenuous. If you must write posts about this subject, at least be respectful to others and that starts with not distorting either what others write or the images used to illustrate various points of view.
As a final word - yes, I would have done those images with my mother - very good looking woman by the way - or any of my two sisters - who the woman is in that particular image has NOTHING to do with the image - FYI - her name is Beth, she is 24, lives in Minnesota and is a lovely person.
Ah, what the heck - whatever I'll write here you'll just distort or argue again - there'll be no end to it and I've got other things to do - like processing 500 images from yesterdays shoot - and YES - of course it was a NAKED young woman who showed me EVERYTHING adn invited me to photograph EVERYTHING - including her sex - how's that, Daniel - doesn't that really raise the hair on your neck?