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Re: Knas?
Sorry, my Swedish doesn't go as far as "Knas" - what's it mean?
And - I've been told over and over and pveer that the girls/women who work with me - most of them have never been nude in front of a camera before, find it liberating, empowering - often they telll me their sex life has improved, they have more fun, are more relaxed, etc. etc.
They often tell me they want to be able to say:
"Look, kids, this is what grandma looked like when she was young", while shoing one of the images...
I've had girls come knocking on my door the very day they turned 18 - someitmes after they have been talking to me for a year or longer about wanting to work with me.
Without exception they are all my friends - ove just called me from France to let me know how much everybody there loved the images of her and that she would come to New Orleans again in September adn wanted us to get together again.
"kvinnofornedrande - sexist" BS! - The stuff I do hangs on the walls of these women - and collectors.
Time you guys who don't know what you're talking about get off this dead horse - flog something else for awhile, thanks!
larsborg skrev:
- Den person som ställer upp på det hemska, kvinnoförnedrande, sexistiska "Flickfotografering" har jag aldrig hört klaga, ingen blir väl tvingad (ja.ja jag vet det finns knas!), alltså utgår vi ifrån att "Flickan" var stolt över att just hon blev en modell för en stund!
Sorry, my Swedish doesn't go as far as "Knas" - what's it mean?
And - I've been told over and over and pveer that the girls/women who work with me - most of them have never been nude in front of a camera before, find it liberating, empowering - often they telll me their sex life has improved, they have more fun, are more relaxed, etc. etc.
They often tell me they want to be able to say:
"Look, kids, this is what grandma looked like when she was young", while shoing one of the images...
I've had girls come knocking on my door the very day they turned 18 - someitmes after they have been talking to me for a year or longer about wanting to work with me.
Without exception they are all my friends - ove just called me from France to let me know how much everybody there loved the images of her and that she would come to New Orleans again in September adn wanted us to get together again.
"kvinnofornedrande - sexist" BS! - The stuff I do hangs on the walls of these women - and collectors.
Time you guys who don't know what you're talking about get off this dead horse - flog something else for awhile, thanks!