
Every time I need to log in the password is "wrong"

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I have an interesting problem. Have "discussed" it with Fotosidan but no solution.

This is what happens:

If I need to log in, I get the message the password is wrong.

So, I ask for a new one, get the email from Fotosidan "Såhär byter du lösenord på Fotosidan". fill out the information needed - and I am logged in....

But, next time I am asked to log in, the password is *wrong* - and I have to go thru the same procedure again.

Doesn't matter which one of my three Macs I use (all running latest Snow Leopard), which browser I use (latest Safari, Firefox or Camino - I don't used anything MS), it always happens the same way...

I am logged in and next time I can't log in without the link sent from Fotosidan - and then I can use the very same password or make a new one - doesn't matter - it works until I am logged out or dropped by the server.

It's not a major problem - it just takes me an extra minute to go thru this procedure - but it is annoying and I'd like to know *why* this happens...=*^)

I've been a Mac user since 1984, know Macs and the OS pretty well (I think) and do the usual cleaning and maintenance - and Fotosidan is the *only* site that I have this issue with - no other site where I am a member forces me to jump thru the hoops like Fotosidan - I log in and stay logged in for weeks and sometimes months - and if I have to log out and log in again - *no problem* - the sites remember all the info...

So - *why* does this happen?..=*^)

Cleaning out all cockies and certificates could help, but other than that I have no ideas.
I would however be really surprised if this was a system specific problem ( as in Mac win or Linux )
Cleaning out all cockies and certificates could help, but other than that I have no ideas.
I would however be really surprised if this was a system specific problem ( as in Mac win or Linux )

Done that..=*^)

And yes, I don't think it is a system problem either..

I'm stumped - been stumped for some time actually..=*^)

Which is why I posted this - I don't like to be stumped.

Jag har inte hört av någon annan med detta problem. Nästa gång du byter lösenord, skicka då ett mail till [email protected] och meddela oss vad du bytt till - så kan vi också prova att logga in och se om det händer något konstigt med just ditt konto.
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