
En lovsång till Minolta SRT 101

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Avslutat medlemskap
Var inne på ett Minolta SRT forum i USA och när jag skrivit ett utlägg om hur mycket jag tyckte om den så stod det att sidan inte funkade.. Kopierade texten och klistrade in den här istället. Kommentarer välkomna :)

"I bought my first SRT 101b about six years ago because my sister had one and I was going to start taking pictures, inspiered by her work.

I loved it from day one.. The weight, the feeling that it almost has a soul, the sound of the heartbeat(shutter).. I´ve heard about people that have dropped it in lakes, picked it up, letting it dry off and than continued photographing as if nothing had ever happened..

I´ve used several cameras like, Nikon FM, several Minolta AF-cameras, and Hasselblad, Mamiya, Canon, and digital dslr´s...
But nothing, NOTHING compares to you, my dear tank..

I´m sorry to say that it´s now broken but I´m waiting on a new one bought on ébay. Saving the broken one for parts needed in the future :)

For me, photography is the Srt 101.. Maybee the lenses is not as knife-sharp as the nikkor lenses but who the hell cares?!

Do as I did, let yourself fall in love.
Håller med om att Minoltas SRT-modeller är trevliga och pålitliga kameror. När jag jobbade som skolfotograf i mitten av 80-talet körde vi med sådan till porträtten eftersom de visat sig vara mycket slitstarka.
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