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Diffraktionsgräns redan vid så stora bländare som 6.3 med
18 Mpix på APS-C?
Hittade detta på DPR:
"The Rayleigh criteria for minimum line separation is 1.22*wavelength*f-number. But this is the spacing between peaks of a pattern for a response at 9% MTF; the pixel spacing needed to sample this using the Nyquist criteria is half this spacing or 0.61*wavelength*f-number. For green 0.55 micron light in the middle of the optical band this pixel spacing is f-number/3 microns. The luminance resolution in the 7D comes from the green pixels which have a pitch of 4.3*sqrt(2) or 6.08 microns which is the diffraction limit for f/18 so your limit of f/6.3 is off by about a factor of three. " (DSPographer)
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