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Just bought a CZ 16-35 and I find backfocus issues.
Iv'e checked the focus accuracy with all my lenses and they are all Sony branded and all less than one year old.
They are the, 50mm 2.8 macro, 16-35 2.8 CZ, 24-70 2.8 CZ and the 70-200 2.8 G and my camera is an a700 bought as one of the last ones, new, here in Sweden on the 2’nd of August this year.
The test was conducted using a tripod, remote shutter release, and mirror lock. Camera settings were aperture priority, wide open (2.8), spot focus (central cross hatched) at all focal distances, defocused between shots.
All lenses focused correctly at all focal distances except the 16-35 CZ, which focused behind the focusing point at all focal distances.

Faulty lens?

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