Lennart Sindahl
Avslutat medlemskap
Jag har ett Nikon 80-200 2,8 som jag använder för sportfoto (hästsport) som fungerar utmärkt (to say the least!). Bristen på VR gör inget för jag måste köra med korta slutartider pga motivet. Har märkt att jag sällan har så stor bländare som 2,8 samtidigt som jag vid fälttävlan skulle vilja komma närmare. Därför har jag börjat kika på Nikon 80-400 VR. Visst det är 4,5-5,6 isf 2,8 men det kan jag nog acceptera. Kollade vad "gurun" Ken Rockwell säger och jag blir inte klok på motivet för att han "avråder ig" rån köp. Kna nån hjälpa mig att tolka detta nedan, eller ännu hellre ge mig ett eget råd vad avser 80-200/2,8 vs. 80-400
This is not a lens for sports or moving subjects, although if you have a top camera like the D1, D2H or F5 it does OK. The slow autofocus is potentially limiting unless you have an F5 or D1 or D2 to track fast moving objects, and the slow f/stop means that you'll have to use slower shutter speeds or faster film to capture things that are in motion. As you know, VR does nothing to stop your subject; it only eliminates the need for a tripod.
This lens is intended for handheld architecture, landscapes, animals chilling and still lifes. It is not for the action you see deceptively portrayed in Nikon's promotional pieces, although for slow pans it is cool.
This is not a lens for sports or moving subjects, although if you have a top camera like the D1, D2H or F5 it does OK. The slow autofocus is potentially limiting unless you have an F5 or D1 or D2 to track fast moving objects, and the slow f/stop means that you'll have to use slower shutter speeds or faster film to capture things that are in motion. As you know, VR does nothing to stop your subject; it only eliminates the need for a tripod.
This lens is intended for handheld architecture, landscapes, animals chilling and still lifes. It is not for the action you see deceptively portrayed in Nikon's promotional pieces, although for slow pans it is cool.