
UltraPrime Lens...??

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UltraPrime lenses...?? Nå'n som har koll??

Arri är det Arriflex??

"Primarily, we wanted to provide photographers with the strengths of our UltraPrime™ for ARRI. The extremely high image definition enables pictures so crisp they can be displayed at the size of a movie screen without a loss of detail. Thanks to the long-lasting design, they can be used forever and anywhere – in the burning heat as well as the icy cold; in humid rain forests and in the desert – they will be with you for decades. The UltraPrime™ lenses enable intense, pure colors in the picture without annoying reflections and without fog. However, none of our camera manufacturers had a suitable camera in their product lines. And we alone would not have been able to develop and produce such a camera within such a short time. A solution to this dilemma presented itself at photokina 2002......"
Senast ändrad:
Det är ju bara ett varumärke. De vill väl skilja ut en produktlinje och berätta att den är lite extra snajsig.
Vaknade sent... :)

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Det måste vara så!!!


Här byter man inte glugg utan vidare!!! :)
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