
Time to shop for a camera

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Ny medlem

My Swedish friend directed me to this forum, and was kind enough to set up an account for me so that I could ask some consumer related questions.

I'm looking to buy a digital camera (compact/ultra compact) for my brother and with the virtual jungle of models available out there I figured it was time for some professional help. Enter: :)

So, as an avid club-goer, my brother needs something that would work in those settings. Good light sensitivity (I read a lot about Fuji F30 and also F50fd, and from what I could gather they are pretty good).

If the camera also is fairly quick to shoot that would be great! And here I wonder if so/called "burst modes" are enough (like 3fps) or if it's also important to have quick manual shooting (shot-to-shot speed so to speak)? This with regards to moving subjects; for example getting a crisp shot of a moving car (not 60mph, but rolling by...or think of a train leaving a station or a tram, that kind of speed).

I asked my friend and he thought that Lumix FX-01 is a good camera (which, incidentally is the camera I own myself and am happy with). However, it's performance in low light wasn't all that great apparently.

Then, of course, there is the price. I'm located in New York, so in dollars I guess around $250 would be what I would want to spend. The F50fd is around there. I was also told to check out Casio's Exilim EX-Z1200, but it seems as though it's a bit slow, and that the light sensor doesn't really do the 12 mega pixels justice (which I guess the F50fd does better).

If you have any suggestions regarding good sites for reviews in English that would be appreciated. I looked at but they tend to get very technical and there's always something wrong with every camera, haha!

Well, congratulations if you got this far in my message! Always hard to condense stuff like this for a layman such as myself. I appreciate any help I can get.


Ha en bra dag! :)
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.