
Test av K20D

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De var inte bara måttligt imponerade av kameran. Läste dock i en annan test att färgfelet var något större på K20D än K10D. Att singalbrusförhållandet blivit bättre är iaf tveklöst sant.

Citat från ProPhotos test.

"As noted earlier, the increase in resolution is, for once, quite significant compared to the previous model, but Pentax has also worked on its image processing for colour accuracy. Additionally, there’s the increased sensitivity of the CMOS sensor and the other attendant benefits of a higher signal-to-noise ratio, most notably an improvement in the dynamic range. All these ingredients promise a pretty tasty looking image and that’s exactly what the Pentax K20D serves up. In fact, we’d venture to say that this is the best image quality we’ve seen out of an ‘APS-C’ format D-SLR to date superbly-resolved fine details, beautifully-rendered colours across the gamut with exceptionally smooth tonal gradations and a dynamic range even without any expansion processing which balances the highlight and shadow detailing pretty competently."
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