Aktiv medlem
Gällande LR och flerkärninga processorer finns mer läsningar här:
Väldigt bra länk.
De både mäter skillnader, och ger även lite generella rekommendationer.
Parallel Efficiency (higher is better - 1 is perfect)
Importing images from USB: 0
Exporting images to disk: .97
Convert from RAW to DNG: .69
Generate 1:1 Previews: .77
Generate Smart Previews: .51
Create HDR image: .6
Create Panorama image: .44
Facial Recognition: .2
Based on our testing, there are four CPUs that we would recommend for Lightroom:
Recommended CPUs for Lightroom CC/6
Intel Core i7 4790K 4.0GHz Quad Core 8MB 88W
Intel Core i7-5930K 3.5GHz Six Core 15MB 140W or
Intel Xeon E5-1650 V3 3.5GHz Six Core 15MB 140W
Intel Xeon E5-1680 V3 3.2GHz Eight Core 20MB 140W
Which CPU is best for you is going to depend on a number of factors including what you do in Lightroom, what other programs you use, which chipset you want to use and how much system RAM you need. The Intel Core i7 4790K is by far the most affordable of the four CPUs and while it may be slower for exporting photos and generating 1:1 previews than the other CPUs for almost anything else in Lightroom it will actually be the fastest. However, the chipset it uses can only have at most 32GB of system RAM.
Dvs, den genrella rekommendationen för att använda Lr generellt, och inte helt optimerat för export av bilder, är en fyrkärning Core i7 4790K (så hög klockfrekvens som möjligt).