pablito skrev:
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Pablo, I am one of those you "dissed" - - and now let me do you the favor of commenting a little on your site - and mine.
yes, indeed, I am "home learned", started writing "code" manually when there were no Dreamweaver or GoLive to do it all for you while doing a site for friends and family.
So, I am responsible for both "rosewellphoto" - now incorporated in ChristerArt as "archives" but not for ChristerArtInMotion - also written by hand by a wiz who created one of the best, fastest sites I've ever seen - I guess you didn't check it out or if you did and included his work in your dissing - well...
Pablo - a great portion of the world still has NO fast connection - no 20 - 23" monitors (even at my fast cable connection it took almost 30 seconds for YOUR page to load) - so my pages are indeed simple but no one - except YOU - have commented on the silly stupid home made design - instead I get comments like "loved you work", "easy to navigate", "spent 2 hrs looking at your work", "I keep coming back every week and look again", etc., etc.,...
Honstly, I wish there was another way to do this because it takes way too much time away from me to keep these silly home made pages updated - especially since I still do it by hand but you see, I am just a silly stupid artist/photographer who learned by doing himself and who don't have the time to spend 6 months or whatever it takes to learn DreamWeaver or GoLive.
You know - there's no one forcing you to go and look at my pages or any other home made site - all you have to do is think "oh, another of these home made web sites - boring - and as I am not interested in looking at art or images, just to comment on other web designs and diss those who don't reach MY exulted highs - perhaps I should just pass this one by".
As for YOUR site - slow in loading - most people would never sit still for that long while it loads and the design is not very useful - no one wants to sit and scroll horizontal - that's ass backwards to what people are used to.
As a novelty, OK - as for usefulness, no good...
I hope you take my comments on YOUR site in the same spirit YOU commented on others...