Aktiv medlem
Jobbigt detta med Zeiss... åkte in på den "svängen" lite utav misstag och är
idag en fullt utslagenZeiss-fantast.. Skrev detta i ett engelskt forum där
ungefär samma diskussion pågick:
Well, I normally do not engage in pro- con- discussions about gear, but
since I have become a Zeissaholic recently I thought I should relay my
thoughts on Zeiss:
- It is very expensive!
- It may very well, in a strictly analytical sense, not be worth it
- If you can afford it and you buy it, you feel it was worth it..
- It renders in a way I have never seen before.. vivid colours
(Zeiss colours!), high contrast, 3D
- After a while you can point out a picture taken with a Zeiss
in a blind test... it has a unique rendering
- This is what you buy, the rendering primarily.. The amazing..
"it will last forever" quality is a bonus
- You suddenly degrade your camera house to a digital back to
a Zeiss lens (I still used a K10D)
- It is the lens that gives you all the goodness, and the sensor suddenly
becomes secondary..
- It is FF and works beatifully on aps-c!
- I do not have to care about back-focus/front-focus/SDM/Screwdrive...
I focus manually
- I can use the same lenses on my Pentax LX!!! Yipiii.. Love film!
I do not care about MTF-curves and so on... These lenses have soul...
and I will never sell them!
I respect that people think they are overpriced underachieving
hyped glass, but I just love'em..
For some Zeiss-goodness look here: ZE/ZF/ZM Images (Official Thread!)
- FM Forums.. and no.. I get similar results without any PP... Just jpeg straight
out of the cam..
Haha, känner väl lite samma jag också... Bra och roligt skrivet. Och tyvärr lite för sant ibland.
Bästa rådet till folk angående Zeiss är väl att man ska hålla sig borta; Det kan bli dyrt annars. ;-)