
Archos Gmini 400 i USA

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Jag funderar på att köpa mig en Archos Gmini 400 som en liten lagringsstation. Men grejen är att jag tänkte köpa den i USA, eftersom prisskillnaden är under halva priset. Men nu funderar jag lite på hur det blir med laddning av batterier m.m. Jag köpte min digitalkamera där och den var det bara att byta sladd till när man kom till Sverige. Har sökt i forumen utan att hitta något på ämnet.

Är det någon som har någon erfarenhet om denna Archos Gmini 400 så skulle jag verkligen uppskatta det.

tack på förhand!

sorry that I write in english, but my swedish is quite bad...

I bought my Gmini 400 from USA about three months ago and I have been happy with it. You get all the cables needed with Gmini and the charger is compatible with power connectors/outlets used in Europe (you get adapters with unit). Hope this helps!

Hi thank you very much for your answer.
May I ask where you bought your Archos? I presume you bought it on the internet?

I bought mine from Computer USA, but not via internet as I was visiting my friend in San Francisco. I paid about 300EUR = 3000SEK...

First firmware (1.0.0) was bit buggy and battery consumption was higher than I expacted. After upgrade to 1.3.0 Gmini has been working nicely and you can play mp3's almost 10 hours continously.

Transfer speed from CF to Gmini is really fast, 1 - 2 sec for one picture from A2 (about 3,5 megs), I'm using basic sandisk CF. Between PC and Gmini things go even faster, if you have USB2 in your PC that is, maybe 10megs per sec.
