ZEISS Photography Award 2020 öppet

ZEISS Photography Award 2020 öppet

 Foto: Rory Doyle, United States, Winne har flera tävlingar och nu öppnar de för bidrag till temat Seeing Beyond – Discoveries där man kan lämna in 5-10 bilder.

I år handlar temat om upptäcker och man deltar en bildserie som tolkar temat. Det är gratis att delta och prispotten finns bland annat Zeiss-objektiv till ett värde om 12 000 euro och 3 000 euro för att täcka resekostnader för ett fotoprojekt.

Sista datum att delat är 4 februari 2020.


For the 2020 ZEISS Photography Award photographers are asked to respond to the theme Seeing Beyond – Discoveries.

Throughout time the human race has been driven to make discoveries. This might be a personal revelation, a scientific and technological breakthrough or an idea that has led to social change - a new way of thinking that’s revolutionised our everyday lives. Since photography’s inception, many great individuals have seen the camera as a tool to explore and question the world, and used the power of the image to shed light on something new. 

Epiphanies, inventions and transformations from the known to the unknown, we want to see something new. Submissions exploring the landscape, humans, science, political or economic changes, or even something more conceptual, are all welcome.  

While all creative responses are encouraged, submissions must actively explore the topic of the brief. The series should be between five to ten images, have a clear narrative that aligns with the brief (Seeing Beyond – Discoveries) and visual consistency. 

Entrants can submit all different types of photography – be that in technique or subject matter. All submissions must be accompanied by a supporting statement which outlines the story behind the work.

Publicerad 2019-10-15.

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