I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #730: Prague, Thursday
March 13th, 2017.
The first half of the day was spent accompanying Anna-Lena to the airport as she was going home to take care of her horse. And also to pay back her friends, who had been helping her while away.
After changing to a cheaper hotel I had lunch at the glorious Café Imperial, just a couple of blocks from the new place. Duck risotto and a large beer in that setting and it still cost less than a normal workday lunch back home.
Strengthened, I took on the task of streeting, walking randomly. I'll just show one photo today. Time for processing just hasn't been available.
Happy Easter, everybody! Or just a nice weekend for those of you who don't celebrate it.
Inlagt 2017-04-15 13:27 |
Läst 3217 ggr. |
Tyckte jag hade ett hyfsat flyt i förrgår, men igår vaknade jag med feber. Efter frukost gick jag och la mig igen och sov till kl 16. Orkade efter det gå ut ur hotellet för att hitta lite mat, men förstås inget gf. Känns lite bättre idag, men det blir nog inte gf förrän tidigast i morgon.
Hoppas du har bättre tur och slipper närkontakt med kravallerna!