Persongalleriet #705: Hong Kong - Hanoi
March 6th, 2017.
A morning photo walk in Hong Kong and in the evening another one in Hanoi.
It's not the first time I've shot street in two countries on the same day. I can recall Copenhagen+Malmö last summer, though I only shot a few pictures in Malmö that time.
Although it was only a short flight between the two cities (1h20m), they are very different. Hong Kong vertical, Hanoi horisontal. HK has a very modern feel to it, while Hanoi feels ancient in some way. Just two things that come to mind.
At the point of writing this blog post, I've been here in Hanoi for just under 24 hours. What I can say so far is just: WOW! My hotel lies smack dab in the middle of market alleys teeming with life. Soo, soo perfect for the streetie! If I only moved two blocks in each direction for the entire stay, I still would have all the subjects I could dream of. And all the delicious street food I would need! :-)
600 grams of chicken.
My first meal in Hanoi: Noodle soup with tomatoes and other vegetables and meat which turned out to be pig's tongue.
Everybody's snacking! :-)
Be well, everybody!
Persongalleriet #556: Istanbul Graffiti
Mindre än en månad kvar tills jag får återse Istanbul. Längtar! Mycket!
Ha det gott, alla!
Persongalleriet #447: Istanbul Graffiti
8/4 2015.
Såg inte så mycket graffiti, gatukonst eller ens särskilt mycket vanligt klotter i Istanbul. Men längs den väg jag valde från Karaköy upp till Galatatornet fanns det en del.
Trevlig helg, alla!
Persongalleriet #419: Gatufoto Lissabon i färg
Från första kvällen, den 16/4. Lajvbloggade här från den kvällspromenaden. Graffititäta kvarter, som ni kan se.
- Ge mig nycklarna!
Tack för den här gången!