I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #580: Free Flowers for All!

March 9th.
Yesterday was my second day with Alphan Yilmazmaden on this trip. As always very nice and inspiring! Lots and lots of shooting, but also çay and conversations about photography and life. There is a lot to process from this day. And maybe to show later in this blog and in other places. But today I will focus on one event which we happened to witness. I guess it wasn't completely random, Alphan's knowledge of his people was a big part of why we were there.

When we first came the New Mosque, Yeni Camii, Alphan quickly noticed there was a funeral of some important person today. We took a long walk through the alleys and eventually came back. The funeral was just over and the guests were entering buses to go the graveyard. In the square outside the mosque, people had put up big flowered wreaths. Now that the funeral was over, these flowers were up for grabs.

As you might see from the pics, people were really happy to help themselves! Alphan tells me the Turkish saying translates to "Free vinegar is sweeter than honey".

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2016-03-10 10:11 | Läst 1671 ggr. | Permalink

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Vad heter Disneyfiguren Kalle A*** i efternamn?
Varma fina gatuporträtt Niklas.Vilken glädje
Vilka färger. Behagligt att kolla.
/ Bengt
Svar från niiiik 2016-03-10 20:15
Tack, Bengt!
Det var ett väldigt speciellt tillfälle! :-)
Å de här gatubilderna gillar jag verkligen! Annorlunda i innehållet men framförallt så läckra med de fina klara blomfärgerna som kontrasterar till dovt och svart. Fin softhet i bilderna också, utan att de tappar stunsen... Snyggt!!!!
Svar från niiiik 2016-03-10 22:38
Kul, Lena!
Tack för dina peppande ord! :-)
Hej Niklas,

Nice colourful photographs overall. I especially rate pictures 11, 12, 13, 15 and 18 highly. Good to see people being happy in relation to a funeral. Way to go!

Svar från niiiik 2016-03-11 07:48
Hi, Fredrik!
Thanks a lot for your thoughts!