
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #740: Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, juli 2015

I min genomgång av gamla obearbetade bilder har turen nu kommit till min och hustruns semester i sydöstra England för två år sedan. Jag börjar med några bilder från en väldigt mysig kvällspromenad i Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, en vacker våtmark nere vid havet.

Vi var inte helt ensamma i terrängen, så det blev ett par tillfällen till lite lantligt gatufoto också!

Ha en fin midsommar, alla!


Postat 2017-06-23 11:56 | Läst 6222 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #681: Beijing 15 juni

Har haft ett par dagars uppehåll från bloggen och en knapp veckas uppehåll från mitt beijingprojekt. Nu är jag tillbaks med ett laddning färgbilder:


Meat Street.

Handarbete på gatan.

Tegel bakom fönsterglaset.

Mor och son.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-09-07 22:10 | Läst 2624 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #675: Beijing 15 juni

Har kommit igång med att redigera dag 2 av Beijingresan. Börjar med en bild jag just nu gillar för sitt grafiska uttryck. Får se om den håller för boken....

Och så några kompletterande bilder:

Mug Shot.
Här blev jag nog mer nöjd med titeln än med själva bilden...  :-)

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-08-30 22:02 | Läst 2637 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #580: Free Flowers for All!

March 9th.
Yesterday was my second day with Alphan Yilmazmaden on this trip. As always very nice and inspiring! Lots and lots of shooting, but also çay and conversations about photography and life. There is a lot to process from this day. And maybe to show later in this blog and in other places. But today I will focus on one event which we happened to witness. I guess it wasn't completely random, Alphan's knowledge of his people was a big part of why we were there.

When we first came the New Mosque, Yeni Camii, Alphan quickly noticed there was a funeral of some important person today. We took a long walk through the alleys and eventually came back. The funeral was just over and the guests were entering buses to go the graveyard. In the square outside the mosque, people had put up big flowered wreaths. Now that the funeral was over, these flowers were up for grabs.

As you might see from the pics, people were really happy to help themselves! Alphan tells me the Turkish saying translates to "Free vinegar is sweeter than honey".

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2016-03-10 10:11 | Läst 1580 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #579: Meeting Canan.....and Ara Güler!

Had so much fun shooting in the streets of Beşiktaş with deviant art photographer and illustrator Canan last year that it was obvious to me that I should ask if she would like to meet up again this year! And she did!  :-)

Just like last year, a day with Canan will turn into a cat day!

Walking through back streets, shooting at small scenes quickly, suddenly we had a little scare. A second after taking this next photo, my brain registered something. - Was that a gun that guy had? Sort of a Kalashnikov?
- Oh my god, did you take a picture? We will be arrested!
Canan was sure that they were police, but I thought in that case they were very civilian in their dress, maybe with the exception of the kevlar... Well, of course we had no trouble in the end.  :-)

Water Pipe Selfie.

Canan with friends.  :-)

Phone Trio.

Batwoman without her mask.

This was shot at, legendary photographer, Ara Güler's restaurant, where Canan had brought me to have lunch. The waitress told us that the owner was there and wouldn't mind seeing a visitor! I have been so shy many times in the past in situations like this, but this time I thought: Why not! I went in and saw Mr Güler sitting at a table with a woman. There was a laptop and some papers on the table. I gave my respects and asked if I could take a picture. He said yes!

Ara Güler at his restaurant. March 8th, 2016.

As I was leaving, they had a quick conversation and the woman asked if I could take a picture of them working with her phone. Of course I obliged, after Mr Güler tipped me off what position would give the best light. I consider that a 30 second workshop with one of the greatest photographers ever!  ;-)

Well, me and Canan got the food and started eating. After a little while the woman came and asked me my name. She needed it so she could give me a credit for when it was published in the book they were working on! That would be incedibly cool if it actually happens! Well it was cool that she even asked! I asked if she could email it to me and she got my email adress.

I must say I was a bit starstruck after this and still am. After all, not many days ago I was looking at Mr Güler's amazing pictures from old Istanbul at his great website!

The day was not over yet and I did some more shooting with Canan as my guide!

The Yawn.

Running Children.

Canan and Two Orange Drinks.

Flower Women.

Finished up the day by walking "with the light" in Istiklar Caddesi, walking back quickly and then with the light again. Me and Canan said our goodbyes until next time at Taxim metro station.

At the Simit Stand.

Photographer at Work.

Cola Turk.

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2016-03-08 23:28 | Läst 1843 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera